Dual Position Polemic, Former PKS President: I Hope There's A Miracle UI Chancellor Resigns
Former President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Sohibul Iman/ pks.id


JAKARTA - Former President of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) Sohibul Iman also highlighted the polemic of the dual position of the Chancellor of the University of Indonesia (UI) Ari Kuncoro, as well as the changes to the UI Statute by Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

Through his social media accounts, Sohibul Iman hopes that a miracle will occur in the polemic. The UI Chancellor, Ari Kuncoro, admitted that he was wrong because he had concurrent positions as a commissioner in a state-owned company. And legowo left his position as Chancellor of UI.

"I hope for a miracle. Suddenly, the Chancellor was moved and said, 'Thank you President Jokowi, you have saved my concurrent position. But I am bound by ethics. It's clear yesterday that I violated the UI statutes, that's why from now on I resigned from the UI Chancellor and focused on becoming a commissioner'," wrote Sohibul on his Twitter page @msi_sohibuliman, Wednesday, July 21.

It is known, Government Regulation (PP) 68/2013 regarding the Statute of the University of Indonesia (UI) has been changed to PP 75/2021.

PP 75/2021 was signed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on July 2, 2021 and promulgated by Menkumham Yasonna Hamonangan Laoly on July 2, 2021.

In the new UI Statutes, the UI Chancellor is only prohibited from serving as a director of BUMN/BUMD/private sector. While previously it was prohibited to hold concurrent positions as BUMD/BUMN commissioners who used the word 'official' in Article 35 letter c of the UI Statute.

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