
JAKARTA - The government has decided to extend the implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) until July 25, 2021. This decision was conveyed directly by President Joko Widodo through the YouTube account of the Press, Media and Information Bureau of the Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, July 20, evening. DPR Commission IX, Melki Laka Lena, said the President's announcement tonight provides certainty regarding the concept and timing of the Emergency PPKM which will still be carried out with various adjustments to regional proposals. while maintaining hospital capacity and social economic aspects are also well maintained," said Melki to reporters, Tuesday, July 20, evening.

Second, the upstream sector must be the spearhead to restrain mobility and carry out Prokes properly with the concessions that have been given from the Emergency PPKM policy. While the downstream sector must be a concern because until now the positive number is still relatively high even though it has started to be controlled. "The upstream sector must be strengthened with the capacity of hospitals, both drugs and medical devices are absolutely ready. The downstream sector is to maintain health services We are the ideal, optimal, both for COVID-19 patients and patients with other diseases," said Melki.

Third, immediately carry out the handling process for those who have been confirmed positive. "The president's commitment gave us confidence that for patients who are self-isolating they will also be assisted through a pattern such as telemedicine or contacted by health workers," he explained.

Fourth, related to the economic sector. Many MSMEs that have been opened by the President have been relaxed, with various regulations or special restrictions. Of course, said Melki, this is a space for small people to keep working. "But of course with Prokes which again must be implemented strictly to avoid high transmission when outside activities," explained the Golkar politician.

The NTT legislator admitted that he appreciated the President's decision tonight because with this decision the health sector would still be prioritized. At the same time, it is certain that the economic sector will remain open with strict restrictions and procedures. In addition, in the social aspect there is also protection for the most affected categories. Namely food assistance, direct cash assistance, electricity subsidies, internet subsidies.

"Of course with this decision we will see the development of the COVID-19 figures, and after the 25th as stated earlier, we will see in the future whether there will be further adjustments to this Emergency PPKM policy," said Melki.

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