
BANDA ACEH - The Panglima Laot (sea) Aceh Institute stated that fishermen in Aceh are prohibited from going to sea for three days from July 20-22 during Eid al-Adha.

"It is a day of taboo to go to sea, the hijri date is a day that is 'forbidden' to go to sea for fishermen throughout Aceh," said Wasekjen Panglima Laot Aceh, Miftach Cut Adek, in Banda Aceh, quoted by Antara, Monday, July 19.

Not only for Acehnese fishermen, said Miftach, the day of taboo to sea also applies to fishermen from outside Aceh who carry out fishing activities in Aceh's waters.

"Not only fishermen from Aceh, other parties who want to fish in the sea areas throughout Aceh are also subject to the same rules," he said.

The prohibition is a provision of the customary law of the sea that applies in Aceh, every big day, such as holidays, fishermen are ordered not to go to sea until a predetermined time limit.

Miftach explained that this day of abstinence from the sea meant that fishermen were required to carry out Eid al-Adha worship and stay in touch with their respective relatives.

"During those three days, Acehnese fishermen are also required to carry out sacrificial worship within their respective communities," he said.

Miftach emphasized that if there were fishermen who violated the customary provisions, they could be given sanctions in the form of boat detention, for a minimum of three days and a maximum of seven days.

"Another sanction is that all fish caught on that day will be confiscated for the local Panglima Laot Institute," said Miftach Cut Adek.

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