
JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) has officially selected the Director of Investigations for the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) Febrie Ardiansyah as the Head of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office (Kajati). Febri's appointment was stated in the Decree of the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia Number 169 of 2021 concerning Dismissal and Appointment from and in Structural Positions within the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia dated July 14, 2021.

In fact, based on the results of the 2020 Selection of the Head of the High Prosecutor's Office (Kajati), the results of the assessment are in the form of track records and the results of competency assessments for echelon IIa candidates, the highest ranking is occupied by prosecutor Dr. Mia Amiati SH, MH. Meanwhile, Febrie is in second place out of six selection participants.

The appointment of Febrie as Kajati DKI was also criticized by researcher Lucius Karus of the Parliament Care Community Forum (Formappi). He suspects that the election for the Head of the DKI Jakarta High Prosecutor's Office contains elements of buying and selling positions.

"It should be suspected that there was an element of buying and selling positions. So yesterday's selection was carried out live streaming on Youtube, it can be concluded as a mere formality," said Lucius to reporters in Jakarta, July 19.

In general, the prosecutor who ranks first in the selection of Echelon IIa officials usually gets a seat as the Head of the DKI Jakarta Attorney General's Office. However, what has become a public discussion is the status of Mia Amiati, who got the highest score during the selection, instead of sitting in the Kajati chair.

"This means that the selection will be in vain if in the end the results of the selection do not become a reference in placing a person's position in the Prosecutor's Office. The selection becomes a kind of formality," said Lucius to reporters.

According to him, the determination of the current position of the Head of the DKI Kajati is no longer objective. He also suspects that this result could lead to an assessment that collusion and nepotism in the Attorney General's Office are still fertile ground, if the selection system has been peppered with irregularities.

"That's what I said as a formality. Even though the selection was broadcast live via Youtube. The final result was still at the discretion of the leadership," he said.

Lucius also urged the supervision of Commission III of the DPR RI to examine allegations of irregularities.

"Could there be buying and selling of positions or positions there, then Commission III of the DPR RI must examine the results of the selection, including investigating the many cases of legal mafia involving prosecutors and so far have not been able to be revealed by the people's representatives in the DPR," he said.

Meanwhile, Trisakti University Law Expert, Abdul Fickar, said that if the auction of the position was declared open, then the result of the process would be a decision as it should be.

"If you don't take the test results, then there must be an open explanation to the public considering that the job auction is open," said Fickar.

According to him, the Attorney General must explain to the public so that there is no bad prejudice against the decision to cancel Mia Amiati from being the Head of DKI Jakarta Office.

"If there is no explanation, then it has the potential to create prejudice against officials who have authority. Considering the existing system is not followed properly," he said.

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