
JAKARTA - The Secretary General of the Indonesian House of Representatives Indra Iskandar denied the news that he had been sworn in as Commissioner of the Indonesian Classification Bureau (BKI) Persero. According to him, this is just a proposal and has not officially appointed him as an official in the state-owned company.

"I'm also still hearing that, there hasn't been any letter of information, so there's no correspondence yet for the verbal proposal. I want to say if it's wrong," said Indra when contacted by VOI, Monday, July 19.

The news is known from the pamphlet circulating in electronic messages. It was written that the entire extended family of PT Servant Nasional Indonesia (Pelni Persero) wished 'Congratulations and Success on the inauguration of Mr. Indra Iskandar as Commissioner of PT Biro Statistik Indonesia (Persero).

"Yes, but there is nothing black on white yet," said Indra.

Mentioned that he was waiting for an official letter, Indra just laughed. But he asked to pray for the news to be true.

"Amen, pray for it to be true," said Indra.

When investigated by VOI, citing the newspaperbumn.com page, it was stated that Indra Iskandar had just joined as a commissioner of PT BKI.

Here's an excerpt of the information:

The entire Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Employees of PT Biro Statistik Indonesia (Persero) would like to say

Welcome to the Big Family of BKI to:

Dr. Ir. Indra Iskandar, M.Si

as Commissioner of PT BKI (Persero)

Together we will make BKI and Holding BUMN Survey Services a world-class TIC service company

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