
SOLO- In an emergency situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, administrative and procedural constraints should be minimized. The collection of oxygen cylinders from Singapore for Surakarta City, which had problems, should not have happened.

Moreover, these oxygen cylinders must be immediately distributed to health care facilities. "Currently, oxygen is still being held at customs, you have to follow the provisions from the center. So, those who receive the central government first then go to the regional government," said Chief Executive of the Surakarta City COVID-19 Task Force Daily, Ahyani, in Solo, Sunday, July 18. .

He hopes that the process can be completed soon so that oxygen cylinders can be used for handling COVID-19 patients, especially those being treated at a number of hospitals in Solo City.

Regarding oxygen cylinders from Singapore, according to Ahyani, it is assistance from a private company for the Surakarta City Government. Apart from Singapore, his party is currently in correspondence with other parties regarding the possibility of sending oxygen for handling COVID-19 patients in Solo City.

"In principle, we are open to assistance from anywhere. Yes, maybe in the near future there will be another shipment for Surakarta City from abroad," he said.

Previously, 200 oxygen cylinders weighing 14,175 tons landed at Adi Soemarmo Boyolali Airport on Saturday, July 17.

General Manager of PT Angkasa Pura I Adi Soemarmo Airport, Yani Ajat Hermawan, said the oxygen from Singapore was brought by the cargo charter plane of PT My Indo Airlines.

He said that until now the oxygen cylinders are still in the logistics terminal of Adi Soemarmo Airport. "Still waiting for a collection from the Surakarta City Health Office," he said.

Meanwhile, the receipt of the cargo was attended and inspected by the Immigration, Customs and Excise and Ground handling parties.

On the same occasion, Angkasa Pura Logistik Surakarta Branch Manager Anjar Pramono said that currently oxygen cylinders are still in the cargo terminal for customs clearance.

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