
JAKARTA - The police have designed a scenario to suppress people's mobility ahead of Eid al-Adha 1442 Hijri. This scenario is implemented as part of the Implementation of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

A total of 1.038 isolation points in Lampung, Java, and Bali which have been in effect since Friday, July 16 will remain in effect for the next seven days, including Eid al-Adha which is expected to fall on Tuesday, July 20.

Head of the Operational Section of the National Police's Traffic Corps (Korlantas), Commissioner Rudi Antariksawan, said the location of the partition was divided into three security rings. He said the police would continue to anticipate community mobility.

"As for the partition, ahead of Eid al-Adha, we will add more blocking posts so that what we hold to anticipate Eid al-Adha activities there are 1.038 Emergency PPKM blocking posts and we add 1.038 Idul Adha anticipation activities, which we hold as priorities in the Lampung, Java, and Bali areas", said Rudi at a press conference on Saturday, July 17.

The blocking posts totaling 1.038 are spread across toll roads, non-toll roads, and ports. In Lampung, there are 21 locations for blocking posts. Two of them are located on toll roads, 17 on non-toll roads, then two in Bakauheni and Panjang ports.

In Banten, there are two locations on the toll road, eleven non-toll roads. One location in Merak Harbor. In Jakarta there are 100 locations, 15 on toll roads, 85 on non-toll roads.

Continue In West Java there are 353 locations: 21 on toll roads, 332 on non-toll roads. In the Special Region of Yogyakarta, there are 23 non-toll locations.

The rest, in Central Java 27 locations on toll roads and 244 non-toll roads. East Java 209 locations consist of 11 toll roads, 189 non-toll roads, and one location at Ketapang Port. In Bali, 41 locations consist of 38 non-toll roads, three locations in the ports of Padang Bay, Benoa, and Gilimanuk.

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