
JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, apologized for the non-optimal Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM). The government in the next 2-3 days will announce whether or not the emergency PPKM will be extended.

"As the coordinator of the Java Bali Emergency PPKM from the bottom of my heart, I apologize to all Indonesian people if it is still not optimal. But I along with the ranks and with the relevant ministers will continue to work hard to ensure that the spread of the delta variant can be reduced," said Coordinating Minister Luhut in a virtual press conference, Saturday, July 17.

The Deputy Chairperson of the KCP-PEN (Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery) Committee said that it was not easy to decide on Emergency PPKM. The government must stop the exponential rate of transmission of the Delta variant so that doctors, nurses, midwives at hospitals, health centers, and other health facilities can cure COVID-19 patients.

However, on the other hand, the economic impact on the small people is also quite large due to the decline in community mobility and activities.

"It is not easy to overcome this policy. But we need to take PPKM to stop the transmission of the Delta variant", he said.

To ease the burden on the people affected by PPKM, said Luhut, President Jokowi has ordered his ministers to provide social assistance.

The government will provide additional social assistance with a budget of IDR 39.19 trillion for the community which will be immediately disbursed by the Minister of Finance and Minister of Social Affairs.

"The assistance includes, firstly, the provision of 10 kg of Bulog rice for 18.9 million beneficiary families (KPM). Second, cash assistance of 10 million KPM. Third, the provision of an extra 2 months for 18.9 million basic food KPMs", explained Luhut.

Fourth, he continued social assistance for an additional 5.9 million KPM proposed by the regions. Fifth, in addition to the pre-employment card program worth IDR 10 trillion.

While the sixth, electricity subsidies for 450 volt and 900-volt households are extended for 3 months until December 2021.

"Furthermore, internet quota assistance for students, teachers, lecturers for six months and also electricity subsidies are extended until December 2021", he said.

In addition to the addition of social assistance, continued Luhut, the government has also allocated a health budget of IDR 33.2 trillion. Among others, to increase the cost of nurses for COVID-19 patients, health workers incentives, vaccinations.

Then the construction of the field hospital, the purchase of oxygen, as well as the distribution of 2 million free drugs that the President had started yesterday for those with self-isolation, OTG and mild symptoms.

"So the distribution is from the Minister of Social Affairs, TNI, Police, and other elements who want to participate and be carried out massively", he added.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said that the option to extend the emergency PPKM had to be carefully studied. The decision on whether or not to extend the emergency PPKM must be seriously considered.

"This is a question from the community today, one important thing that we need to answer is whether the emergency PPKM will be extended or not? If you want it to be extended, how long? This is really a very sensitive matter that must be decided with clear thinking, not to be mistaken", said Jokowi during the emergency PPKM evaluation process, Friday, July 16, whose video was uploaded to Youtube by the Presidential Secretariat, Saturday, July 17.

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