
AMBON - A number of students from several universities who were arrested by the police during a demonstration against the Micro PPKM in front of the Ambon City Government Office on Friday, July 16 have been returned to their homes.

"All of them have been sent home since Friday night after being questioned by the Criminal Investigation Unit and the Police Intelligence Unit," said Deputy Chief of Police for Ambon Island and Lease Islands, AKBP Heri Budi in Ambon, Saturday, July 17.

Police officers assisted by the TNI and the Ambon City COVID-19 Task Force finally forcibly dispersed the demonstration of hundreds of students who rejected the implementation of micro PPKM by the Mayor of Ambon because they were considered to have violated health protocols.

In addition, this action did not get an official permit from the police because as long as the micro PPKM is still in effect, the police will not issue a permit to prevent large crowds.

Polisi membubarkan demo mahasiswa Ambon menolak pemperlakuan PPKM Mikro. (Foto Antara)
Police dispersed Ambon student demonstrations against the treatment of PPKM Mikro. (Intermediate Photo)

During the forced dispersal by the police there were a few clashes but this was well secured by the security forces.

Meanwhile, several students who wore green and blue campus alma mater jackets were arrested due to clashes with the police or being caught provoking other fellow students.

"When it comes to how many people were arrested yesterday, it can be confirmed with the Intel Unit and Satreskrim because they asked the students for information," said Ambon's Deputy Chief of Police regarding the student demonstration against PPKM Micro.

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