
GORONTALO - Four crew members of the fishing vessel KM Mina Maritim 138 from Gentuma District were declared missing due to the ship being hit by a tidal wave in the western waters of North Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province.

Ikbal Al Idrus, Head of the Mina Maritime Assistance Ship Group of Gorontalo Province, said the incident occurred at around 10:00 WITA. Or, right at 15 nautical miles from the Raja Island area, East Sumalata District.

"The ship was hit by high waves, including the motor speed boat on the ship, causing the four crew members to be thrown and so far they have not been found," said Ikbal in Gorontalo, quoted from Antara, Friday, July 16.

Information from the Captain of the KM Mina Maritim 138 ship, Adhan said, immediately the four crew members fell into the sea because they were hit by high waves, while the other 16 crew members were safe.

The fourth position was immediately invisible because the waters were being hit by heavy rain, but it was confirmed that three of them were wearing life jackets.

The incident was reported by the captain of the ship at 13.00 WITA and immediately forwarded to the local government, especially Basarnas, TNI and Polri.

The search began at 15.00 WITA by the Basarnas team together with Polairud, the Department of Transportation, Tagana and elements of the local government.

Currently, 16 other crew members are still on board the ship anchored in the Pulau Raja area, considering that the ship could not move due to hydraulic damage.

"It is very risky if the ship is forced to move, while efforts to rescue the 16 crew members are temporarily carried out," he said.

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