
SUKABUMI - High waves hit the southern sea of Sukabumi Regency, West Java with a height of up to six meters. High waves caused sea water to inundate the coast and damaged a number of fishing boats that were moored at sea.

"Data from the BMKG, the wave height reaches six meters, we urge residents, especially those living on the coast to be always vigilant. Moreover, sea water has inundated some of the land, which is feared that something unwanted will happen," said Sukabumi Police Chief of Police, AKP Tri Andri Affandi, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, July 14th.

From Antara's observation at the location, the high waves hit almost all locations that are often used as tourist spots, from Karanghawu Beach, Cisolok District to Palabuhanratu Beach, Palabuhanratu District.

The impact of the high waves, although no casualties have occurred, but a number of semi-permanent stalls located on the coast to the parking area are flooded by sea water. Even the Palabuhanratu Presidential Palace was not spared from puddles of sea water.

According to him, high waves like this are a natural phenomenon that usually occurs every year. However, his party still appeals to the community and fishermen to always be vigilant and increase caution.

"Unfriendly wave conditions like today, we also appeal to fishermen not to go to sea first, especially as weather conditions can change at any time," he added.

Andri said the data collection was still in progress and officials from the Sukabumi Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) had already collected data.

However, his party has not received any reports of damage to buildings such as stalls on the coast or residents' houses due to the bad weather.

Shop owners on the coast have been advised not to stay in their stalls for fear of worsening weather conditions, especially the forecast from BMKG that high waves will occur in the next few days, so they need to be aware and anticipated.

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