
"Examining a witness with the initials HG as the owner of CV Sumber Kencana," said Head of the AGO, Harli Siregar, Tuesday, December 17.

However, it was not conveyed in detail about the examination material. Only a few things were mentioned, one of which included an examination process to investigate allegations of corruption in sugar imports that occurred in the 2015-2016 period.

In addition, Harli also said that the examination, which took place on December 16, was aimed at strengthening the evidence of allegations of corruption.

"The witness examination was carried out to strengthen the evidence and complete the filing in the case," said Harli.

So far, more than a hundred witnesses have been questioned. The number will continue to grow as the investigation process progresses.

"There are 126 witnesses who have been examined," said Harli.

Tom Lembong yang menjabat sebagai Menteri Perdagangan pada periode 2015-2016, ditetapkan sebagai tersangka karena memberikan izin impor gula sebanyak 105.000 ton kepada perusahaan swasta, yang melanggar Keputusan Menteri Perdagangan Nomor 527 Tahun 2004.

Sebab, pada aturan tersebut hanya perusahaan milik negara atau BUMN yang diperbolehkan untuk mengimpor gula.

Thus, Tom Lembong was charged with Article 2 Paragraph 1 or Article 3 Juncto Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31 of 1999 concerning Corruption Crime in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 of the 1st Criminal Procedure Code.

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