A total of three heavy equipment belonging to the Pemali Juana Regional Center were alerted to the left embankment of the Wulan River which previously collapsed to prevent possible damage to the embankment again, following high rainfall.
According to the Regional Secretary of Demak Regency, Akhmad Sugiharto, the Demak Regency Government, Central Java, indeed asked BBWS to alert heavy equipment at the location of the Wulan River embankment which had previously broken as an anticipatory measure.
The reason, he said, was that the embankment was still new and the handling was also an emergency response and was not permanent and experienced strengthening, so there needed to be anticipatory steps.
Previously, there was indeed one standard excavator unit, then since Wednesday (13/3) there has been an addition to three units. One of them is an amphibious excavator and the other is a standard excavator.
"Companies working on repairing embankments are also reportedly carrying out activities to strengthen embankments," he said.
He hopes that with the heavy equipment, when there is a erosion of the embankment because the water discharge in the Wulan River also reaches 900 milliliters per second, then steps can be taken to strengthen the embankment so that it does not break again.
"We are clearly worried about the condition of the embankment, considering that based on weather forecasts from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), high rainfall will last until mid-March 2024," he said.
In addition to supporting tools, he said, to anticipate flooding, the door to the Wilalung Dam or known as the Old Wilalung Flood Control Building (BPBWL) was also opened at the border of Kudus and Demak Regencies which led to the Juwana River about 20 centimeters (CM).
The Wulan River Embankment, which was broken previously, has two points with a length of 20 meters and 30 meters.
Korlap Banjir dan Irigasi di Bendung Wilalung Noor Ali membenarkan keberadaan tiga alat berat di embankment kiri Sungai Wulan.
"This is a precautionary measure because extreme weather is predicted until the middle of this month. So that when things happen that endanger the strength of the embankment, it can be handled directly to prevent flooding," he said.
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