
Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said he had evidence that the number three pair's votes, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD, were only 17 percent locked.

This was conveyed by Hasto in response to the General Elections Commission (KPU)'s rebuttal regarding efforts to lock the vote acquisition. In fact, he said, the election should run in two rounds.

"We also have evidence from IT experts, when the Json script (which is a derivative of the JavaScript) is normalized, this is actually two rounds but later let them talk," Hasto told reporters in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta, Saturday, March 9.

The KPU is accused of havingto pretending not to know about this operation. Because, what works is the power behind the election organizers even though it is not specified who is meant.

"The KPU doesn't know, even the KPU itself pretended not to know when the IP address was moved. They denied it was only after there was evidence to admit it," said the former member of the DPR RI.

"How is it possible that our important data is recorded using the private sector, namely Alibaba and there are geopolitical interests and fights between America and China. So, this is not all true. Our methods of politics have reduced our sovereignty as a nation," continued Hasto.

Hasto also mentioned the results of the KPU recapitulation system (Sirekap) which was stopped some time ago. "Hacker that (the reason, ed)," he said.

"It was intentionally locked down. After they submitted the proof of Json's script from the programs, they finally just admitted it. So there is great power where the KPU elements are the subordinates of this great power," explained Hasto.

As previously reported, KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari has denied any attempt to lock Ganjar-Mahfud's voice through a logarithm. He said, this method could not be done because the voting was direct.

"The KPU has never set a vote for A, person B, and so on this party, that's the party. Since the beginning, it didn't exist because this vote was direct," Hasyim told reporters, Friday, March 8.

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