
JAKARTA - Former Director of Engineering and Fleet Management of PT Garuda Indonesia, Hadinoto Soedigno, has finished undergoing an inaugural hearing in a case of alleged bribery for aircraft procurement and aircraft engines. He was charged with accepting a bribe of more than 2 million United States (US) dollars.

In the indictment file, Hadinoto Soedigno is said to have accepted bribes from three companies, including Roll-Royce Plc, Airbus SAS (as it was called Airbus), and Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) with different amounts.

"Having committed or participated in several acts which must be viewed as an independent act so that it constitutes several crimes, which are punishable by the same basic crime, receiving gifts or promises in the form of money totaling 2,302,974.08 US dollars and cash amounting to 477,540. euro, "said prosecutor Ariawan Agustiartono reading out the indictment at the trial at the Corruption Eradication Agency, Central Jakarta, Monday, January 25.

In addition, in this case the defendant also received greetings with several other people, namely, former President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia, Emirsyah Satar and Captain Agus Wahjudo.

The forms of procurement are Airbus A330 series aircraft, Aribus A320 aircraft, ATR 72 Serie 600 and Canadian Regional Jet (CRJ) 1000 NG aircraft, as well as purchase and maintenance of Rolls-Royce Trent 700 series engines.

For bribes from Roll-Royce related to the TCP program or maintenance of the RR Trent 700 series aircraft engines. The defendant helped the cooperation between PT Garuda Indonesia and Roll-Royce.

The first bribe was received by the defendant from a Standard Charterd Bank account of Singapore amounting to US $ 156,724.08, on May 7, 2009.

Then, the defendant again received money from Rolls-Royce of 100 thousand US dollars on 12 October 2019. Finally, he also received 50 thousand US dollars on 9 June 2011.

Meanwhile, for the accusation of accepting Airbus bribes related to the procurement of Airbus A330-300 / 200 aircraft, because on February 10, 2012, Hadinoto received a purchase fee for the Airbus 330 Series aircraft from Airbus through Connaught International in the amount of EUR477,540.00.

Furthermore, Hadinoto is also said to have received money from Airbus regarding the procurement of Airbus A320 Family aircraft. He received US $ 166,000 on August 30, 2012.

In addition to that in this case, Hadinoto also received money related to the procurement of Sub-100 seater aircraft Canadian Regional Jet 1,000 Next Generation (CRJ1,000NG) from Bombardier Aerospace Commercial Aircraft (hereinafter referred to as Bombardier) through Hollingworth Management International (HMI) and Summerville Pacific Inc.

Hadinoto is said to have accepted bribes because Garuda Indonesia chose the Bombardier CRJ1.000NG aircraft. Thus, he received a fee from Bombardier which was given through HMI and Summervile Pacific Inc. where the Defendant received in stages totaling US $ 1,530,250. or the equivalent of 1,763,881.03 Singapore dollars.

Finally, Hadinoto received money allegedly in bribes worth 300 thousand US dollars from Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) related to the procurement of 21 ATR 72 series 600 aircraft. In addition, he also received facilities from PT. Mugi Rekso Abadi owned by Soetikno Soedarjo as the beneficial owner of PT Ardhyaparamita Ayuprakarsa, Connaught International Pte Ltd, Hollingsworld Management International Ltd Hongkong and Summerville Pacific Inc, where these companies are intermediary Airbus SAS, Roll-Royce Plc, Avions de Transport Regional (ATR) and Bombardier Canada.

In that sequence, Hadinoto was charged with violating Article 12 letter or Article 11 of the Corruption Act in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. Not only that, he was also charged with Article 3 of Law No.8 of 2010 concerning TPPU in conjunction with Article 65 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code.

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