
The defendants Mario Dandy Satriyo and Shane Lukas Rotua Pangondian Lumbantoruan underwent a follow-up hearing in the alleged assault case against David Ozora with the agenda of examining witnesses. During the trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, the public prosecutor (JPU) also presented David's father, Jonathan Latumacina, as a witness to provide testimony for the two defendants. So, what are the testimonies of David Ozora's father at Mario Dandy and Shane Lukas' trial?

Jonathan Latumahina said his son, David Ozora, suffered very serious injuries after being sadisticly abused by Mario Dandy Satriyo.

" David's condition has bloody ears on his right ear. Then the cheeks are like scarring wounds, such as stepping on the right," said Jonathan when asked by the chairman of the panel of judges to explain David's initial condition.

He added, after being mistreated by Mario Dandy, David was rushed to Permata Hijau Hospital, South Jakarta. When he saw David's condition firsthand, Jonathan said his condition had bleeding from his body.

"From the earhole, blood came out, there was a lot of blood in the mouth, it was on the nose also on the right but I was already dry," he said.

In addition, David also experienced seizures for three days while being treated at Permata Hijau Hospital.

After revealing David's condition, Jonathan Latumahina exposed the conversation between the defendants Mario Dandy Satriyo, Shane Lukas, and AG when he was detained at the Pesanggrahan Police.

According to Jonathan's statement, the defendant Mario Dandy Satriyo boasted that the case of mistreatment of David Ozora that he had committed could be resolved by his father, Rafael Alun Trisambodo, who was then a tax official.

"Just ignore it, you won't get hit," said Dandy, 'You won't get hit', the Agnes and the Shane. 'Later take care of it with you, I'll only be two years and eight months', that's it," said Jonathan.

"From there I thought this was something wrong, my son is a victim," he continued.

However, Jonathan said he was relieved when the Metro Jaya Police Chief at that time Fadil Imran confirmed that he would oversee the case of abuse by Mario Dandy against David Ozora.

"I received attention from the Metro Police at that time, Mr. Fadil. So that I can respect the applicable legal rules," he said.

For additional information, the Panel of Judges at the South Jakarta District Court scheduled a trial of this case to be held twice a week. The decision was taken after the defendants did not file an exception related to the case.

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