JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) requested that the government bureaucracy be not convoluted, but must be agile and fast, and have an impact.
"The president's direction is that this bureaucracy must have an impact. Bureaucratics should no longer be complicated by piles of paper. Therefore, he hopes that this bureaucracy will be agile and fast," said Minister Azwar at the President's office, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 12.
Azwar said Kemenpan RB had carried out delayering' or simplification of the bureaucracy in functional and executive positions, by cutting 3,414 job classifications to only three positions, causing confusion on the mobility of 1.4 million State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
For bureaucratic agility, said Azwar, ASN can also move across clumps, which has an impact on the agility of 2.4 million ASN.
"We have decided, as well as the personnel service business process. So far, ASN feels that it is complicated to take care of retirement, take care of promotions, and we have cut it. We have cut the promotion service from 14 stages we cut it to two stages by BKN," said Azwar. In addition, the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) has also cut its pension service from 8 stages to 3 stages, then the agency's transfer service from 11 stages to 3 stages.
This is an example that is expected by the President, who will soon be executed by ministries/agencies, especially the Kemenpan RB, related to employment services.
In addition to BKN, the State Administration Agency (LAN) has also simplified the bureaucracy, including by cutting the training service from 16 stages to 5 stages, then accrediting the training agency from 10 stages to 4 stages, to facilitating competency development services from 8 stages to 3 stages. stage.
"Likewise, the employment service business process service used to have 11 stages, now we are cutting it to 3 stages. We report this to the President," said Azwar. BKN, said Azwar, starting this year also held promotions six times from the previous two. "On the advice of the President, we are in the process with the Ministry of Finance now that a year BKN has started holding promotions this year 6 times," he said.
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