
JAKARTA - Commission X of the House of Representatives highlighted the idea of Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Mendikbudristek) Nadiem Makarim regarding the formation of a platform called the Teacher'sMarketplace or marketplace to solve educational problems in Indonesia. This concept is considered inappropriate.

Deputy Chairman of Commission X DPR RI Dede Yusuf assessed that the idea of Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim was good. However, according to him, the marketplace concept shows the impression of a teacher as a product or object.

Dede Yusuf also suggested that the platform concept should be more in the form of a Talent Room for the recruitment of State Civil Apparatus teachers for government employees with a work agreement (ASN PPPK).

"I propose the concept is not a marketplace but a Talent Room, or a talent database. So it's not a teacher as a product or object, but as a subject," said Dede Yusuf, Monday, June 5.

According to the leadership of the Commission in the DPR in charge of education affairs, the marketplace concept is not appropriate because it makes teachers objects like goods that can be purchased by schools. Dede reminded that in Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, it was stated that teachers were special professions of work.

"So teachers are not chosen as objects but bring together educational needs and existing talents," he explained.

In the concept conveyed by Nadiem, the Teacher Marketplace is a database containing teacher profiles. They are PPPK selection participants who pass the passing grade but have not yet received a teacher professional education formation or graduate (PPG) who has an educator certificate.

The Teacher Marketplace is said to be a database with technology support for all schools to be able to access prospective teachers. This platform is expected to be a teacher recruitment platform or medium, where the school can find anyone who can become a teacher and be invited to their school needs.

The Teacher Marketplace platform is claimed to be a place that can make it easier for schools to find the needed teachers so that the process can be more focused on the needs of the school. The principal can access the platform in order to recruit and meet the needs of teachers directly without having to wait for national recruitment.

"Actually, it's a talent scorer, or we call it a head hunter. But we have to prioritize the teaching profession so that we can easily get a school to teach," said Dede.

"Before that is implemented next year, the Government must prepare a solution in the form of regulations that ensure the welfare of teachers, especially in private schools so that their lives are not adrift," he added.

Dede also emphasized that the Government's policy should not hurt the value of the teaching profession. He said the teaching profession was very noble and could not be compared to merchandise.

"Justice for teachers must be prioritized, we must continue to uphold the value of the teaching profession which cannot be equated with the value of merchandise as circulating in the marketplace freely. So the concept must be better elaborated," said Dede.

"The teacher's recruitment through digital should also not kill the existing teacher who has taught," he continued.

According to Dede, the Teacher Marketplace program still needs to be elaborated further by considering many things.

"Even now, in discussing the 2024 State Budget allocation, the name Marketplace still appears. We want an understanding first," explained Dede.

Before the new program was implemented, the legislator from the West Java II electoral district also reminded the Government to conduct hearings with teacher representatives, teacher associations, school representatives and experts. Dede said, there must be clear program socialization so that policies can be implemented properly.

"There must also be a school prevention system for recruiting carelessly or recruitment that is not as needed and does not consider the main aspects that support the quality of school teaching," he said.

"Don't let the new system cause a decline in the quality of teachers and other injustices for honorary teachers," added Dede.

Apart from the new program, the Government is asked to first solve a pile of problems related to teachers that have not yet been resolved. In particular, said Dede, regarding the selection process for PPPK teachers who are still constrained.

"Don't let there be many programs but it can't be a meaningful solution. So first solve the problem before the vacancy program through the marketplace opens," said the former Deputy Governor of West Java.

Furthermore, Dede also encouraged the Government to solve the problem of placing teachers outside the provincial area. He gave an example, there were many rejections from teachers in West Java who passed the PPPK ASN selection but received offers for placement in Gorontalo province or other regions.

"So there needs to be an official statement from the Ministry of Finance guaranteeing additional wages or allowances for teachers who are willing to accept placements outside the province where they live," concluded Dede.

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