
Denpasar City Police (Polresta) said foreign tourists from China who had a heart attack during surfing training on Kuta Beach were declared dead at Siloam Hospital, Kuta, Badung, Bali.

"The victim was on vacation in Bali, there were no traces of violence on the victim's body and the victim died of a heart attack," said Head of Denpasar Police Public Relations, AKP Ketut Sukadi, as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, June 1.

Sukadi said the victim of Ching Chuan Lin (62) was rushed to the hospital after experiencing pain in the left chest and weakness above the surfboard about 15 meters from the shoreline.

According to Sukadi, the heart attack that caused the death of the Chinese foreigner occurred on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 at around 11.30 WITA at Kuta Beach, precisely in front of Beach Walk.

Sukadi explained that based on witness Sadam Husein, the incident began at around 11.00 WITA where the victim and his wife and children came to Kuta Beach to learn to surf. After an agreement was made between the victim and the next witness, the witness who was also a surf instructor began teaching surfing to the victim and his wife.

Furthermore, after training on the beach, the victim, the victim's wife and the two witnesses began to practice surfing in the sea to find waves about 15 meters from the shoreline.

"After two exercises floating on a surfboard with a long wave push from the sea to the beach, the victim had time to rest for a while standing in the beach sand," said Sukadi.

Then, witness Husein called the victim to start training again and the victim walked into the middle of the sea about 15 meters from the shoreline with a water level of about 80 cm.

After the victim climbed up in a squatting position on the surfboard and was held by witness Husein, the victim felt pain and weakness, and lay in the hands of the witness.

Furthermore, the victim was assisted by the evacuation by the two witnesses and the victim's wife who were about two meters next to the victim.

Arriving at the beach, Lifeguard officers at Kuta Beach provided breathing assistance by pumping the victim's chest while waiting for the Balawista ambulance in Badung Regency to come to the TKP.

According to witnesses, the victim spoke out of his mouth and there was still a pulse.

After the ambulance belonging to Balawista Badung arrived at the scene. The victim was then evacuated and rushed to Siloam Hospital on Sunset Road Street, Kuta, Badung.

After arriving at Siloam Hospital, the victim was taken to the ER for medical treatment. After being examined and given medical treatment by the doctor, at around 12.10 WITA, the victim could not be helped and was declared dead.

Until this news was revealed, the victim's body was still at Siloam Hospital and had not been entrusted to Prof. Hospital. Ngoerah Sanglah Denpasar.

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