SEMARANG - Semarang Polrestabes, Central Java, arrested the alleged perpetrator of violence against ABK (16), the son of the Acting Governor of Papua, Nikolaus Kondomo Mountains, resulting in the death of the victim.
"The suspect AN, 22 years old, is a student, a resident of Penggaron Kidul, Semarang City," said Semarang Police Chief Kombes Irwan Anwar as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 22.
AN, a student at the economic faculty of a private university in Semarang City, was named a suspect based on witness testimony, evidence, and the results of a forensic examination.
The police chief revealed that the perpetrators and victims had just met through social media on May 3, 2023.
On May 18, 2023, the day the victim died was the first time he had met the perpetrator.
"From the introduction via social media, it then continued with a direct meeting. The victim was taken to the boarding house of the perpetrator, which had only been rented for about two weeks," he said.
According to the perpetrator's statement, the victim of the crew had consumed alcoholic beverages before being raped by the perpetrator. From the forensic facts, it is known that there were injuries to the victim's vital organs.
Forensic examination also stated that the victim of a crew member died due to respiratory failure and poisoning.
"The cause of poisoning still has to be investigated by microbiological, pathology and toxicology examinations," added the Chief of Police.
For his actions, suspect AN was charged with Law 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection or Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder.
Previously, the Semarang Police investigated the case of the death of a 16-year-old woman at a boarding house on Jalan Pawiyatan Luhur, Semarang City, on Thursday (18/5).
Several witnesses were examined in connection with the incident, namely the person who took and took the victim to the hospital.
The victim, known as the son of the Acting Governor of Papua, Nikolaus Kondomo Mountains, was taken to the hospital before finally dying.
From the crime scene, the police secured a number of evidences of several bottles of alcoholic beverages of various types.
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