CIANJUR - Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park Center (TNGGP) Cianjur, West Java, stated that 20 climbers were blacklisted for carrying out illegal climbs over the past four months with sanctions not being allowed to climb for two years. Head of the Cianjur TNGGP Center, Sapto Aji said climbers who were on the blacklist were not allowed to climb for the next 2 years including to a number of mountains that entered the national park in West Java. "Most of them will do illegal climbing, so that strict sanctions were applied. Last year 8 climbers were sanctioned not being able to climb all mountains in Indonesia for 5 years because they violated the rules," he said, quoted by ANTARA, May 21. The marak of illegal climbs over the past four months made his party will conduct an evaluation related to Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) climbing, so that in the future there will be changes related to SOP and climbing registration. Climbers will be required to register online and cannot register directly at the climbing gate or on-site as an effort to prevent the rise of illegal climbs as well as as an effort. one recorded data on a daily number of climbers. "We will carry out joint surveillance efforts involving the community and influencers, in order to suppress the illegal climbing numbers that still often occur due to the lack of existing officers with very wide surveillance areas," he said.
His party is not tired of urging prospective climbers to follow the rules, not to look for rat roads or illegal routes to get to the top of Mount Gede-Pangrango, because it can endanger the safety of climbers and can damage ecosystems on prohibited routes. "Be smart and wise climbers because nature lovers will not violate the rules, especially climb illegally because it can threaten safety, especially opening lanes that can damage the national park ecosystem," he said.*
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