
JAKARTA - The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, highlighted the alleged illegal levies (Pungli) against the teachers of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). He emphasized that the Government must investigate allegations of extortion that are troubling the community.

Teachers are noble professions and are recognized as heroes without a merit. Teachers must be an example, there should be no extortion in the educational environment, no matter how small," said Puan, Monday, May 15.

As is known, recently there have been many cases of alleged extortion that occurred in the Pangandaran Regency Government. A young ASN teacher named Husein Ali Rafsanjani made a surprising confession. He resigned from ASN because he was intimidated after reporting an alleged extortion practice at his place of work.

The incident began when Husein made a report regarding allegations of extortion when he attended Basic Training (Latsar) in October 2021 after being declared to have passed the 2019 CPNS selection. Husein then admitted to being intimidated after making the report.

Because it was not strong with the pressure of intimidation from a number of people, Husein had a heavy heart to decide to resign as an ASN. Puan reminded the government to thoroughly investigate the alleged extortion case.

There must be clarity as to what happened. Is it true that there was extortion, and who were the parties who carried out intimacy with the young teachers in Pangadaran. If it is proven true, there must be sanctions given so as to create a deterrent effect, "said the first woman to serve as chairman of the DPR RI.

As a result of this incident, the Head of the Pangandaran Personnel and Human Resources Development Agency (BKPSDM) was disabled. The Head of the Pangandaran BKPSDM denied any extortion. He claimed that the money withdrawn to Latsar participants was funds for transportation because there was no budget for it.

"The local government's fast movement is quite good in dealing with this problem. There must be cross-agency synergy in supervising and solving problems like this so that cases of alleged extortion immediately open the facts to the public," said Puan.

The holder of the 2 Doctors Honoris also appreciates the choice of a young Husein teacher who is waiting for an investigation into the alleged extortion case and will only decide whether to remain an ASN as requested by the local government. Puan hopes that Husein will still be willing to teach as an ASN teacher considering that in the regions there is still a shortage of teaching staff.

"Hopefully Husein's young teachers will remain willing to give dedication to educating the nation's next young generation. Indonesia is still short of teachers, it is very unfortunate if our world of education loses outstanding teachers," hoped the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan also asked the Government to pay attention to the problem of teacher shortages where problems such as the Husein case can have an impact on the world of education. Therefore, the Government must carry out stricter supervision so that potential problems that have an impact on the quality of Indonesian education can be minimized.

"With the lack of teaching staff in this country, the safety and comfort of teachers must be a priority for the Government," said Puan.

"As a democratic country, anyone can make a report. Regardless of whether what is reported is true or not, an investigation should be carried out in the event of allegations of misuse of budget and flexibility so that problems can be resolved immediately," he added.

The DPR also highlighted how many extortion practices were reported in the world of education. These extortion practices include allegations of individuals taking advantage of the struggle of honorary teachers to be appointed as ASN.

Because there are quite frequent reports of teachers who have been accepted as CPNS but have not received the Appointment Decree and then received the lure of accelerating administration in exchange for money. The DPR asks for problems like this to be given strict supervision.

"Don't let administrative problems be used by irresponsible people. This must be monitored properly. Because not a few honorary teachers are still struggling to fight for their fate to be appointed as ASN," said Puan.

Furthermore, Puan encourages reform of information disclosure and quick response from the Government, including preventive efforts so that the problems that occur do not spread to other problems.

"We hope that the existing problems can be resolved without waiting for it to go viral first. The DPR realizes that the Government is working on a priority scale, but all problems must be handled according to the rules," said Bung Karno's grandson.

With the alleged extortion case for teachers, Puan hopes that this will not reduce the interest of young people to become a teaching staff.

"The government must have a strategy to protect the teaching profession so that the interest of young people to become educators is reduced. Especially in ensuring improving welfare for teachers," concluded Puan.

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