
SuRABAYA - The Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Surabaya City Golkar Party will release 50 pigeons during the registration of prospective legislative candidates (readleg) at the local KPU office, Sunday, May 14, hoping for tuah or victory in the 2024 election. "Why release a pigeon? Because there is a wise saying that the pigeons never break their promise," said the chairman of the DPD II of the Golkar Party of Surabaya City, Arif Fathoni, in Surabaya, East Java, Saturday, May 13. According to him, the saying will serve as a reminder of every Golkar candidate in the future if they have succeeded in winning the hearts of the Surabaya people and get a mandate to sit on the seat of the Surabaya City DPRD so as not to betray the people's mandate. "The politics must unite the nation's nation, not the contrary," said the member of Commission A DPRD Surabaya City of Surabaya. "Therefore, said Toni, already the right or left policy that so far made the potential for division of the nation's children open, baulaleg Golkar was present to continue to maintain the value of Indonesianism. "Congratulations to struggle to win the hearts of the Surabaya people to welcome this democratic party with good prosperity. It is nice to continue to work. Hopefully, it will be given ease and health in the way through this struggle process so that the set targets can be fulfilled," he said. Regarding the composition of the legag that will be registered, Toni said, the 50 readings of Golkar Surabaya came from various backgrounds, ranging from various backgrounds, from entrepreneurs, women activists, lecturers, doctors, social media activists, to lawyers, to lawyers. He said that the age of Golkar leg. In fact, there are also those who are under 30 years old. Likewise, religion and ethnic groups, quite diverse are Islam, Hindus, Hindus, Protestants, Katholics, Khonghu, and adherents of their beliefs.

"This is the beauty of the Golkar Party, all gathered to maintain Indonesian values, namely Bhinneka Tunggal Ika," he said. For the registration procession to the Surabaya KPU, every prospective legislative candidate is required to only bring one closest family, can be parents, can be relatives, can be husband/wife. registration will begin with a prayer across faith that will be led by religious leaders. After that, walking to the Surabaya City KPU Office accompanied by a badr shelter. After the registration procession at the Surabaya City KPU, the entire Surabaya Golkar Legislage will release 50 pigeons next to the KPU Surabaya City.

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