
JAKARTA - DPR Speaker Puan Maharani asked the government to prepare a strategy to anticipate an increase in domestic food prices. Moreover, there has been a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) or the Food and Agriculture Organization on global food prices which experienced an increase in April for the first time in a year.

FAO tracks changes in the international price of food commodities rose 0.6 percent to an average of 127.2 points in April 2023. At that level, the index was 19.7 percent below the level in April 2022, but still 5.2% higher than in April 2021.

"Do not let unrest arise in the community if there is an increase in price but no strategic steps have been prepared," said Puan, Friday, May 12.

The National Food Agency must strengthen food reserves by using a timely and precise strategy. Puan also reminded the Government to prioritize domestic production.

"Dahulukan produksi dalam negeri. Jangan sampai kejadian impor bahan pangan yang berlebihan dan menyebabkan petani-petani dalam negeri kesulitan dalam menjual hasil pertanian mereka," tuturnya.

Puan hopes that with strategic steps, it can minimize the impact of rising food prices. The right policy is also expected to make domestic food prices stable and affordable for the community, despite the increase in global food prices.

"Effective food price control will also make farmers feel more secure and motivated to increase their production," said Puan.

The Ministry of Agriculture must also pay special attention to farmers to increase domestic food production. Puan encouraged the Government to increase stimulation assistance for farmers.

"Strengthening domestic food production by providing assistance to farmers in the form of superior seeds, fertilizers, and agricultural tools," he said.

Assistance from the Government is said to be able to improve the quality and productivity of agriculture in Indonesia. In addition, the Government is also reminded to strengthen supervision and control of food prices to protect the interests of farmers.

Puan and other members of the DPR RI have also continued to carry out direct supervision by visiting the farmers. In addition to knowing the conditions faced by farmers, the presence of the DPR is also to distribute aid.

"On every working visit to the region, I always take the time to come and meet farmer groups in the area. The presence of the DPR is important to absorb the aspirations of farmers so that we can help find solutions to the problems they face," explained Puan.

"The DPR will continue to monitor the food price situation and take anticipatory measures by sending recommendations to the Government if necessary to maintain sufficient and affordable food availability for the entire community," added the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Furthermore, Puan encouraged the Government to increase collaboration with other countries as a measure to anticipate the increase in global food prices. Moreover, at the 42nd ASEAN Summit which was just held in Labuan Bajo yesterday, food issues were also one of the issues discussed.

This is also in accordance with the theme of the 42nd ASEAN Summit, namely, ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth.

"It is important to achieve inclusive socio-economic growth, so that we can make ASEAN the Epicentrum of Growth so that no one in the world is left behind," said Puan.

In terms of parliament, the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) or Southeast Asian parliamentary forum, which this year is under the chairmanship of Indonesia, has also provided recommendations regarding food issues.

Puan delivered the recommendation through AIPA Message in one of the plenary sessions at the ASEAN Summit, namely the ASEAN-AIPA Interface agenda which was attended by all leaders of Southeast Asian government and parliament, Wednesday (9/10) yesterday. One of the AIPA Message points conveyed by Puan was so that Southeast Asian countries could improve ASEAN's resilience response capabilities.

This includes focusing on energy and food security in the context of a dynamic global region and community, said one of the AIPA Messages read by Puan in front of the leaders of 11 Southeast Asian countries.

In her remarks at the ASEAN-AIPA Interface, Puan also emphasized the importance of cooperation between ASEAN countries in order to lead to a peaceful and stable region while encouraging economic growth. This is important for economic recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic, especially since the world is currently facing various global challenges.

These threats start from unpredictable weather due to climate change, energy and food crises caused by war, as well as rising geopolitical tensions triggered by conflicts of interest.

"Everything will have an impact on our economy and society. So we must intensify regionalization to overcome all possible threats, both economic slowdown, overcome supply chain disruptions, meet the needs of the poor and marginalized," said Puan.

"As well as achieving Sustainable Development Goals, including the complexity of climate change problems, for the benefit of the ASEAN community," concluded Bung Karno's grandson.

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