
The General Elections Commission (KPU) ensures that the public can access the registration documents for legislative candidates (caleg) of the DPR RI, DPD RI, Provincial DPRD, and Regency/City DPRD for the 2024 General Election, except for classified documents. "We ensure that in this nomination stage fully uses digitization so that later the public can access it, in particular documents that are not categorized with classified as classified as classified documents," said KPU RI member Idham Holik when giving a statement to journalists in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 3, was confiscated by Antara. He also conveyed that the undisclosed or undisclosed document refers to the provisions in Law (UU) Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure. Article 17 letter g of the Public Information Disclosure Law states that information excluded from being accessed by the public is information that if it is opened can reveal the contents of an authentic deed of personal nature and will or a person's will.

Next, Article 17 letter h states that excluded information includes public information that if it is opened and given to applicants of public information can reveal personal secrets consisting of the history and condition of family members; history, condition and treatment, physical health treatment, and a person's psyche; and/or financial condition, assets, income, and a person's bank account.

Lalu, ada pula informasi mengenai hasil-hasil evaluasi sehubungan dengan kapabilitas, intelektualitas, dan rekomendasi kemampuan seseorang; dan/atau catatan yang menyangkut pribadi seseorang yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan satuan pendidikan formal dan satuan pendidikan nonformal.Kemudian, Pasal 18 mengatur bahwa informasi yang dapat dipublikasikan adalah putusan badan peradilan; ketetapan, keputusan, peraturan, surat edaran, ataupun bentuk kebijakan lain, baik yang tidak berlaku mengikat maupun mengikat ke dalam ataupun ke luar serta pertimbangan lembaga penegak hukum; surat perintah penghentian penyidikan atau penuntutan; rencana pengeluaran tahunan lembaga penegak hukum; dan laporan keuangan tahunan lembaga penegak hukum."Jadi, nanti KPU merujuk ke sana (UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik) untuk informasi yang boleh dan tidak boleh dipublikasikan," tandasnya.

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