
YOGYAKARTA - Basically, the success of insurance companies in obtaining consumers is hard work and the task of insurance agents. In Indonesia itself, in recent years, it has proven that the increase in many residents who buy products from insurance as life insurance in the future. So, what is the way the insurance agent works?

According to the Indonesian Insurance Board dictionary, insurance agents are individuals or legal entities that carry out activities in providing and marketing insurance services for and on behalf of the guarantor (in this case, namely the insurance company).

Meanwhile, for the Financial Services Authority in No. 69/POJK. 05/2016, the understanding of an insurance agent is that an insurance agent is an independent person or in an effort body that plays a role in serving on behalf of an insurance company in selling insurance products.

The conditions governing the activities and obligations of insurance agents are stated in Law Number 40 of 2014 concerning insurance. The activities of an insurance agent include making agreements between consumers and the insurance industry. The agreement is regulated in an insurance contract in a written manner.

Some of the insurance agent's duties include some aspects. On this occasion, we will discuss it.

Studying The Needs Of Customer Candidates

One of the tasks of Prudential insurance agents and insurance from other companies, in the usual way, is to recognize what the customer's future wishes are. Because each customer has different desires. By knowing the customer's wishes and adding complete insights adrift of insurance products, an agent can share the right offers to customers. This will make it easier for the business itself.

The profession of insurance agents is a profession related to belief. An insurance agent is making efforts to share protection on customers, especially something that will take place in the future. Therefore, it is mandatory for insurance agents to know the wishes of prospective customers.

A good insurance agent will first read the profile and background of prospective customers in a thorough manner, learn what is needed from the profile and background. After that, it is matched with insurance products owned by each company.

Offer Clearly And Complete About Insurance Products

The next insurance agent's obligation is to complete outline each type of insurance product. A kind of example of how insurance products work, starting from features, insurance facilities and what provisions must be prepared and fulfilled in order to buy insurance. This is also part of the insurance agent employee's code of ethics.

Honesty is the code of ethics of an insurance agent that must be upheld. An insurance agent is required to live up to potential customers who really understand. Serve every problem that arises from potential customers. Answer by using a good approach.

If an insurance agent pursues a profile and background of a potential customer, the insurance agent will recognize what the customer wants. At this point, an insurance agent can already speculate on what issues arise when giving up insurance products. Moreover, it is the expertise of an insurance agent to convince potential customers to buy the insurance products they offer.

Fill In The SPAJ Life Insurance Application Letter As Well As Other Products In Full And Clear

An insurance agent is also required to apply for an SPAJ (Student Application for Life Insurance) or an application message for other products. This means to emphasize and clarify the legal power of the insurance application, especially life insurance. Not only that, this is also a meaningful part in the way the insurance agreement is applied by insurance agents with consumers.

Hand Over Policy When Transactions Are Completed With Customers

An insurance agent is also required to provide an insurance policy, if the agreement with consumers is successful and the business method has been completed. In the list of insurance agents, each agent is required to provide a policy as one of the provisions, if the agreement has been reached and the method has been completed. Moreover, if there is a next purchase, the insurance agent can also help customers buy the latest policy, namely by carrying out reseling services.

So after knowing how the insurance agent works, look at other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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