
PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri officially announced the name of the Governor of Central Java (Central Java) Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate in the upcoming 2024 democratic party.

Not a real surprise. Moreover, Ganjar's name is always perched in the top three of all national surveys regarding the electability of the 2024 presidential election.

However, Ganjar has also caused a public commotion. Together with Bali Governor I Wayan Koster, Ganjar chose a 'contrary' attitude with the government.

Ganjar firmly rejected the arrival of the Israeli national team to this country. In fact, Israel is one of the participants of the U-20 World Cup. This attitude was taken by Ganjar as a form of commitment in the Palestinian independence effort.

And Ganjar also said that his attitude was also in accordance with the mandate of the First President of the Republic of Indonesia, Soekarno. Ganjar said, as a cadre of the PDI-P, he upholds Bung Karno's mandate to continue to support Palestinian independence.

"We already know how Bung Karno's commitment to Palestine, both voiced at the Asia Africa Conference, Non-Aligned Movement, and at the Conference of the New Emerging Forces. So yes, we follow his mandate," said Ganjar some time ago.

Even though President Joko Widodo issued a firm statement that the participation of the Israeli national team had nothing to do with Indonesia's political position towards Palestine. He even sent PSSI Chairman Erick Thohir to Dubai to meet with FIFA President.

"FIFA has rules that its members must obey. So don't mix and mix sports and political affairs," said Jokowi at the time.

The aftermath of the U-20 World Cup being canceled in this country on March 29. And Argentina was chosen by FIFA as a substitute for Indonesia.

Ganjar admitted that he never regretted conveying the statement of rejection of the Israeli national team to play in Indonesia. "No. I never regret it, because this is an attitude and decision that we must make," he said during an exclusive interview with Mata Najwa some time ago.

"I brought it (recording), right, we have a commitment to participate in world peace, support Palestine for the first and become our social contract, colonialism over the world must be abolished not in accordance with humanity and justice," he said.

PDIP immediately installed a body to Ganjar. Realizing that one of his party's officers was being targeted by a shootout, PDIP installed a shield.

PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto denied that Ganjar's attitude in rejecting the presence of the Israeli national team was related to electoral politics. Especially about accusations of loyalty to the party Ganjar is currently doing.

"This is an attitude in accordance with the constitution, history, humanity, and inter-national relations. PDIP is showing consistency in its behavior and there is a common thread in history. The party is continuously present in society, consistently acts and always within the framework of the constitution. It is necessary to emphasize that PDIP's attitude in rejecting Israel has nothing to do with even the calculations with the electoral," said Hasto.

Almost a month passed after the chaos of the U-20 World Cup, Ganjar changed his fate. From the only governor, Ganjar moved up in class.

General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri firmly raised Ganjar Pranowo's status as a presidential candidate who will be champions in the upcoming presidential election.

"At 13.45 WIB, he appointed Ganjar Pranowo as a cadre and party officer to be assigned as a presidential candidate from the PDIP," said Megawati at the Batu Tulis Palace, Bogor, West Java, Friday, April 21.

Is it true that Ganjar is considered to have passed the fit test of the party until it resulted in a presidential election ticket?

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