MEDAN - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi inaugurated the Buy The Service (BTS) TEMAN BUS service in Medan City, North Sumatra. The bus service, called Trans Metro Deli, will be available in five corridors with 72 operating buses.
"The essence of what we are doing today is how Medan has massive, good, and significant mass transportation. The hope is that by the end of 2021, the jump in mass transportation will increase well," said Minister of Transportation Budi in his statement received by VOI, Sunday, November 8.
Budi explained that the BTS program is a subsidy program for urban mass transportation. Where, according to Budi, there is a gap between people's purchasing power and the costs incurred by city transportation operators.
"The difference we pay until a certain time that the area is able to be commercially enforced, so we do not provide buses but provide subsidies," said Budi.
Together with the Director General of Land Transportation (Dirjen Hubdat) Budi Setiyadi and the Governor of North Sumatra Edy Rahmayadi, the Minister of Transportation Budi also laid the first stone for the Revitalization of Amplas Type A Passenger Terminal, Medan. Where the BTS program has been present in a number of big cities such as Palembang, Solo, Denpasar, and Yogyakarta.
Regarding this BTS program, said Budi Setiyadi, it will be supported by management that carries out monitoring and evaluation using a vehicle operational system which includes operational systems, maintenance, financial management, HR systems supported by real time digitalization. So that it is expected to lead to a more professional public transport service.
"We hope that today's event will be the flag off for the start of the Friends of Bus services in Medan," he added.
Later Trans Metro Deli in Meda will serve routes in five corridors, such as Corridor 1 at Pinang Baris Terminal - Merdeka Field; Corridor 2 at Amplas Terminal - Merdeka Field; Corridor 3 in Belawan - Merdeka Square; Corridor 4 in Medan Tuntung - Merdeka Square; and Corridor 5 Tembung - Merdeka Square.

Trans Metro Deli uses large buses and medium buses with low entry types. This bus is equipped with priority seats and an area for passengers with disabilities (wheelchair).
"The Bus Friend Service is expected to be a service that complements the existing TransMebidang service. The TEMAN BUS service is also expected to be part of the digitization of the 4.0 smart city program that supports a cashless society," he explained.
He added that this program is the first step in implementing the BTS program which provides full subsidies for operators with better supporting facilities on buses, so it is hoped that more passengers will switch to public transportation modes, which are currently still free.
"Passengers only prepare a non-cash card, and open the application to see their routes, arrival and departure schedules so that passengers can easily mobilize in urban areas," he continued.

The terminal revitalization plan will be carried out in the period 2019 - 2024. The total cost of building this terminal costs IDR 45 billion, which is sourced from State Sharia Securities (SBSN) with the multi-year contract construction scheme for 2020 to 20 years. 2022.
Later the revitalization process of Amplas Type A Passenger Terminal, Medan City will be carried out in 3 stages with an emphasis on the concept of Mixed use in the form of developing a terminal that is integrated with the center of the economy and business. Such as malls, hotels and places of business and tourism places.
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