
JAKARTA - Principal of SMA Negeri 58 Ciracas, East Jakarta, Dwi Arsono, said that the teacher who made the statement offending SARA had stated that he was sorry for his actions.

In fact, Dwi said, a teacher named Tini Suharyati had already expressed a written apology for bringing up a discriminatory narrative in the election for the student council president.

"The person concerned is sorry. Personally, he has apologized to the school and the wider community. The statement is written on a stamp duty," Dwi said when contacted, Tuesday, October 27.

Dwi said that Tini actually only intended to support one of the students who had a religion according to her in order to win the student council election.

Tini, said Dwi, did not intend to convey intolerant statements to the public. Tini simply conveyed support for one of the candidates for the Student Council Chairperson to the Rohani Islam (Rohis) group of SMAN 58.

"So the intention is solely to implement leadership in the class. So there is no intention to be intolerant," he concluded.

As is known, a screenshot in the WhatsApp application containing SARA tones is circulating on social media. In a group called "Rohis 58", a religion teacher at SMA Negeri 58, Ciracas, East Jakarta, intervened in the choice of students for the student council president candidate.

In the conversation, Tini Suharyati asked the students who are members of the WhatsApp Rohis 58 group not to choose candidates for Student Council Head of SMA Negeri 58 with serial numbers 1 and 2 because of their different beliefs.

This was condemned by the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI). KPAI Commissioner for Education, Retno Listyarti said, a teacher should not lead his students not to elect candidates for student council president who have a different religion.

"Of course it is not true that teachers discriminate like that. Teachers must strengthen diversity," said Retno in a short message to VOI, Tuesday, October 27.

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