
JAKARTA - Today, April 21, 2023, coincides with Kartini Day, Raden Ajeng Kartini by President Soekarno was declared the hero of national independence," said Megawati Soekarnoputri at the Batutuli Palace, Bogor, West Java, Friday, April 21.

This sentence was pronounced by Megawati when announcing Ganjar Pranowo as a Candidate for President of the Republic of Indonesia promoted by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP).

Megawati said, this momentum is important because President Soekarno stated that the role of women is very important.

"Therefore, I deliberately chose April 21 to deliver an important announcement that I have long awaited by all Indonesian people," he said.

Talking about RA Kartini, of course, it will also mention the book collection of female letters from Jepara, namely Door Duisternis tot Licht. The book, which was compiled by Kartini's pen friend, JH Abendanon and was first published in 1911, is interpreted literally means Through Darkness Towards Light.

In 1922 the book Door Duisternis tot Licht was translated into Malay by a writer from the Pujangga Baru class, Armijn Pane. The title has also become the Dark End Terbitlah Termang, which was later published by the Publisher of Balai Pustaka and is known until now.

Indonesian Women's Inspiration

The book After Dark Terbitlah Terang by RA Kartini is one of the literary works that is very influential in the history of women's movements in Indonesia. This book later became famous, and became an inspiration for many Indonesian women to fight for their rights.

The main theme of this book is about RA Kartini's struggle to provide education and gender equality for women in Indonesia. In her book, RA Kartini conveys her views on the importance of education for women and how women also have the same rights as men. She struggles to provide opportunities for Indonesian women to get a decent education and fight for their rights in a patriarchal society.

The style of language used by RA Kartini in his book is very clear and straightforward. He not only conveyed his thoughts well, but also in a beautiful and easy-to-understand style of language. This book provides a clear picture of women's life in Indonesia at that time, and illustrates how RA Kartini overcomes many obstacles in her life to achieving goals.

This book also provides a very important moral message, namely that everyone has the same rights and that everyone has the same potential to achieve its goals. RA Kartini shows that with determination and hard work, Indonesian women can also achieve extraordinary achievements like men.

In addition, the book After Dark Terbitlah Terangka also provided a lot of information about figures who influenced RA Kartini's thoughts, such as her father and several Dutch figures she met in the Netherlands. This shows how RA Kartini expands her thinking and seeks inspiration from the surrounding environment.

Overall, Terbitlah Teranglah's book is a literary work that is very valuable for the movement of women in Indonesia. This book provides inspiration and motivation for many Indonesian women, including Megawati Soekarnoputri.

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