
JAKARTA – Having a hobby is very beneficial for health, both physical and mental health. Like cultivating a hobby of planting or caring for ornamental plants that have recently become popular. Are you a collector of ornamental plants?

Certainly no stranger to the alocasia plant. Alocasia has an exotic leaf structure. This plant can also be a decorative decoration inside and outside the house. Amazingly, there are various species and the colors of the leaves are very varied.

Alocasia belongs to root crops or aracaeae that live naturally in tropical rain forests. So tropical areas that tend to be humid can easily be a place to grow this plant.

Found in tropical and sub-tropical areas such as in Asian countries, Oceania, and South America. For the variety of ornamental plants, alocasia is very diverse, ranging from alocasia black velvet, alocasia skull, alocasia Jacklyn, to alocasia variegata.

Alocasia ornamental plants will be more beautiful if the leaves look shiny. So, how to shine alocasia leaves?

How to polish the leaves of ornamental plants can regularly wipe the leaves with water and a soft cloth. Or you can also use shield and shine liquid which is specially formulated to shine the leaves of ornamental plants.

Another way to make the leaves look shiny, can be to clean them with wet cotton. For the care of alocasia ornamental plants, here are the ways.

1. More water and need more nutrients

The bigger the leaves, the more beautiful alocasia will be. But the width of the leaves is also affected by age. That is, the older it is, the bigger the leaves will be.

In addition, to widen the leaves and grow new shoots, it is necessary to maintain nutrition and ensure the right planting media. Alocasia plants when growing new shoots will require more nutrients and water.

The most suitable growing media for alocasia plants is organic. Such as a mixture of dry leaves, sawdust, cocopit, roasted husks, to compost soil.

2. Give anti-pest

There are various kinds of anti-pest. Starting from eradicating fleas to fungi. In order for alocasia plants to thrive without pest interference, it is necessary to regularly provide anti-pest.

cara merawat tanaman alocasia black velvet
Illustration of how to care for alocasia plants (Unsplash/Severin Candrian)
3. Routinely fertilized

In an effort to add nutrients, in addition to ensuring the right planting media, it also needs to be regularly fertilized. Such as NPK fertilizer with the size of half a tablespoon mixed with approximately 20 liters of water and given 1-2 times a month.

4. Adjust the light intensity

Because its natural habitat lives in tropical areas that tend to be shady and humid, alocasia plants do not like direct sunlight. For example, placing alocasia plants under a large tree or providing a sun filter in the form of paranet.

5. Make sure the planting medium is not too dry

Caring for alocasia plants needs to ensure the condition of the growing media. If the planting medium is too dry, this plant will be stunted. That is, keep it moist and moist to keep it fertile. But avoid over-watering so the roots don't rot.

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