
JAKARTA - During the pandemic, many people experience sudden changes in their lives. Whether it's anxiety about uncertainty, fear of the virus, losing a job, decreasing income, having to adapt to working from home (WFH), and so on.

Not only COVID-19, apparently this pandemic era has caused various new health phenomena. Previously there was a mask, the appearance of acne due to using a mask. Then now there is coronasomnia. What else is this?

Employees who work from home often have problems managing time. Because, many complain that the working hours during WFH are a bit unclear, so they often stay up late to complete tasks. Also, there are also the general public who find it difficult to sleep during this pandemic. This is what is meant by coronasomnia.

According to the explanation of the American Medical Association (AMA), coronasomnia is caused by the continuous uncertainty of information obtained during the pandemic.

- https://voi.id/berita/58223/atasi-insomnia-with-6-step-simple

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/50976/agar-tidur-nyenyak-laku-6-activity-ini-before-terlelap

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/47104/selain-menenangkan-5-olahan-pernapasan-ini-bisa-healthy-heart

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/44895/5-benefits-yang-can-diambil-jika-rutin-meditasi

- https://voi.id/lifestyle/42213/susah-tidur-begini-caranya-belajar-teknik-pernapasan-to-metatasi-insomnia


"Coronasomnia can have a significant impact on physical health and some of these are an increased risk of high blood pressure and depression," says Ilene Rosen, MD, MSCE, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.

There are several ways that can be done to overcome coronasomnia, namely by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Then, wake up early and bask in the sun and exercise for only 30 minutes.

If you have been experiencing coronasomnia for some time, try to relax before bed. This will help the body to be able to rest comfortably. Relaxation can be anything, such as a warm bath, lighting aromatherapy candles in the room, listening to music, or meditation.

It's also important to keep a clear head in order to treat and prevent coronasomnia. Put aside the various worries that you feel. You can also start regularly writing a journal before bed. There you can express your feelings freely. Writing can clear your mind!

If you always get more anxious when watching or reading news about COVID-19, it's best to stay away from various media for a while.

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