
JAKARTA - The good news was delivered by Mikha Tambayong through his personal Instagram @miktambayong. Monday, July 13, Micah officially bears the title Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong, SH, MM.

Mikha has continued her master's degree at Harvard University since 2019. Due to the pandemic period, Micah undergoes distance lectures. In his upload, Micah dedicates his graduation to his late mother.

"Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong, SH, MM, with the International Graduate Program and an additional short course concentration on contract law, both from Harvard University. And this one is for Mamaku… we succeeded," Mikha wrote as quoted on Wednesday, July 15.

"But now I can only acknowledge the opportunity and privilege, especially given by my alma mater UPH Executive Graduate School, to meet amazing classmates, attend life-changing lectures by professors from all over the world and experience my short trip at Harvard despite not being able to fully appreciate it. physically being there at the moment."

"That's why I earned my Master's degree here, at home with the people I love. Remembering sad times like these, I am very grateful and will not waste it. I hope you too find a ray of light in the midst of darkness, " he closed.

The graduation made Mikha Tambayong's lover, Deva Mahenra, happy. He congratulated with a poetic greeting through Indta Story.

"Beyond being happy, the feelings born of your achievements today are truly beyond words. I have given a bunch of flowers, poetry, and a sincere prayer, except for a heart necklace. Because for our hearts that you already have, you don't need a symbol. to remember, or memory to record," said Deva Mahenra.

Mikha Tambayong also thanked Deva Mahenra. Micah praised Deva Mahenra as the person who supported him in completing his studies.

"My support system since Day 1. Appreciate you," said Mikha Tambayong giving a hug sticker.

Celebrity friends and netizens immediately flooded their congratulations to Mikah Tambayong. Seeing Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong's full name, they also linked him with Maudy Ayunda.

"Yesterday Maudy Ayunda. Now Maudy Mikaaaa," wrote the netizen.

"Duo Maudy is indeed Smart," said the netizen.

"The one who uses the name Maudy is really like this," wrote another in Mikha Tambayong's upload.

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