
JAKARTA - The couple Atta Halilintar and Aurel Hermansyah were furious with the behavior of a netizen who insulted their daughter, Ameena Hanna Nur Atta on social media. Both even expressed this frustration on their respective social media accounts.

Asked about the follow-up to be taken against Amena's bully, Atta said he was still waiting for good faith from the account owner before deciding on the steps to be taken to protect his son from insults on social media.

"Anyway, we will take the best way to protect Ameena," said Atta Halilintar to the media crew in Tendean, South Jakarta on Monday, June 12.

Atta also stated that he already knew the owner of the account that bullied his son, and had tried to communicate by sending his attorney. But unfortunately, the bully, who was known to have two children, was reluctant to apologize for what had been done.

Although he has not confirmed to take legal steps, Atta wants what happened to his son as a lesson. He does not want any more bullying on social media, especially those aimed at children.

This should be a lesson for everyone, not just for us. All babies, wherever it is a gift from God. So, we all have to take care of ourselves, our mouths, our hands," he said.

Aurel as the mother who gave birth to Ameena also expressed her hurt. Even so, Anang Hermansyah's eldest daughter hopes that the existing problems can be resolved quickly.

"Obviously, as parents, I am very, very sad. Hopefully the problem will be resolved quickly. Friends, please pray for me," concluded Aurel Hermansyah.

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