
JAKARTA - In 2020, Indonesians suddenly hit by Tilik fever. A short film made by Ravacana Films became popular (with 28 million views in total) and sparked discussions and pros and cons. Among the Tilik crowds, the main character in this film - Bu Tejo did not escape the pros and cons.

Bu Tejo, played by Siti Fauziah, was then praised but also criticized. It turned out that the praise and criticism reached the ears of the actress. However, this did not stop Siti Fauziah from playing Bu Tejo. The character is present in the Tilik The Series which was broadcast on WeTV some time ago.

In one VOI conversation with Siti Fauziah, she talked a lot about her life starting from stage art. His commitment to continue to be involved in the art world led him to several opportunities including new characters.

"Actually, before entering the world of film, I was in principle a gig boy. I departed from stage art, theater. So if it's acting, it's really called strengthening the heart to choose the path of life there," said Siti Fauziah to VOI in a virtual interview, Tuesday, May 30.

"Then I was accepted by the actor so there was an actor school and now it's the Garasi Performance Institute, now his name used to be the Garasi Theater which opened up the possibility of becoming a passion, something fun to do and ask for," he added.

Popular is never a shadow for this actress who was born on December 19. Growing up in Yogyakarta makes her more focused on acting instead of imagining how her name can be known to many people. Therefore, his happiness was felt enough when he saw people appreciating his acting.

"I don't even understand that because I played the things I liked, then people appreciated me, that's the happiness. People appreciate me that the playing was memorable. It was where my happiness was finished, so I felt that I was important or something didn't seem like it," he said.

The 34-year-old woman has acted in films and various serial titles. In the studio film she first played Intan in the film Heaven that was Not Missed in 2015. Then she became a supporting actor in the film Arini, Bumi Manusia, Mecca I'm Coming, Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca. This year he also appeared through the film Autobiography.

After starring in Tilik, his character began to stick to him. Bu Tejo's figure, who is ceriwis, is full of criticism, and has a lot to talk about. He also admitted that he was called Bu Tejo more often than his real name.

"I feel like on average people prefer to call me Bu Tejo but I never have problems like I'm disturbed. My life, my own life, I play my own play. Only if it's for me, that's back, that's all the same, only which portion is more dominant," he said.

"I'm sure the audience is smart, very understanding of where I am with my daily life with the role I play, that's part of the job," he said confidently.

"On average, when I meet the mothers, I immediately step by my hand and ask whether I like to eat or not, I'll go home, let's play at home. Instead, the welcome was something like that that made me happy because people then the notice was a good thing," said Siti Fauziah again.

Interestingly, even though his name is getting more popular, he decided to stay in Yogyakarta. It's no new secret that many artists come to the capital city to strengthen their careers, but that doesn't apply to Siti Fauziah.

"Actually, in the past it went viral for the first time, I was in a short movie, I talked to my husband. What are our priorities because we have a family, of course, my priority family is not just my husband and children. Then the child is our priority, so as long as the schedule can be rented or discussed, I just choose to stay in Yogyakarta because of that, going back to the main reason, namely children," he explained.

"Why is the choice to stay in Yogyakarta? Actually, the most important reason is about children. So Yogja is a comfortable place for me to be a center of education. In terms of systems, I also understand what schools are. Actually, the development of children is the same as education. The main reason I live in Yogyakarta is because children are still elementary school at the age who I think we will never be able to repeat if we are with children, "added Siti.

The public's acceptance of Bu Tejo's character was also welcomed by Siti Fauziah. However, he admitted that he saw a lot of discourse about his character which was considered misogynistic towards other women. According to him, this cannot be conveyed because of the short film duration, fortunately he was able to explore Bu Tejo's other side through the series.

Actually, when it was done in such a way, I was a bit strange because I was quite selective in choosing the script. If you keep playing, how come you say that this film is not educating, and you keep saying this film discredits the value of women, it's like where the direction of the speech goes," he asked.

"For me at that time, the short movie was that much of a duration to talk to be a Tilik series, so it's actually more relieved that what we talked about was when to review the script before production and then channeled it to this Tilik series," continued Siti.

He emphasized that Tilik departs from one message, namely perfection belongs to God because everyone has an interest. Therefore, everyone should not judge each other even though the main character is a judge.

"The response was that I didn't believe it at first. Is it true or not? This wants to be a series, right? If it's more of a chance to talk in an episode and longer. That's what makes me happy because our initial intention to make a work is not to be seen by people at the beginning that this work is a misogynist," he explained.

"I am one of those who diligently note that it turns out that the audience has caught him like this, it's funny that this continues to be appreciated in such a way. Alhamdulillah, it turns out that my friends like the audience out there and then have a new way of looking at politics in the village, how to establish a relationship with a partner, how then the dynamics of having a parent family towards a child become a layer for a lot that is then absorbed," he said.

Siti Fauziah also heard a lot of requests for the second season that she was grateful for. He felt that it meant that Bu Tejo's character was not an insult but instead an reflection for his audience that everyone had no right to judge others.

"I actually said season 2 when people said season 2 was not finished. That's like what turns out to be that people see that this is not just a spectacle, so it's entertainment, then a reflection of me seeing it more," he said.

"It reflects that there is a form in such a way that you don't have to be busy talking about neighbors, but just watch it in a form that is packaged in fiction. I'm happy because it's a gift for me that the audience is diverse and it turns out that at the beginning our intention to make the work is not in order to make misogynistic works," said Siti Fauziah.

Increasingly known, Siti Fauziah tries to become an artist who respects herself, one of which remains selective in choosing a role. He was assisted by his husband who concurrently served as a manager and became a discussion material.

After Bu Tejo, Siti Fauziah has a role that he hopes can be played in the future. What role is that?

If someone once asked, did not answer (character) people with mental problems. First that. Second, I want to try action, it seems funny. It has its own discipline for sure. It's interesting if I look at it. Yes, hopefully, if the match will meet later, but yes, the consideration is family. Amen, "said Siti Fauziah.

Returning to its priorities, the child is still a consideration in choosing a new role. Not only being a known artist, Siti Fauziah wants to be present at every moment of her child's growth.

"Now it's at the point that he's starting to accept that his mother also has attention that other people have to share when I'm like this, for example interviewing or chatting seriously with third parties. In other words, he's also patiently waiting and then understanding what I'm waiting for. It's starting to shape. The most important thing is how to understand it to children, "said Siti Fauziah ending the conversation.

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