
JAKARTA - Ari Lasso has had a career in the Indonesian entertainment industry for more than 30 years. The man who is 50 years old shared his experience when he started a music career with Dewa 19.

The singer of Art Cinta said that Dewa 19 first performed at the campus event chaired by him. At that time, they were paid not for money, but only for food and drinks.

"Incidentally, I was the chairman of the committee on campus, that was the first time Dewa was launched. (Dewa 19) sang three songs, the payment was boxed rice and a bottle of mineral water," said Ari Lasso in the SCBD area, South Jakarta on Monday, May 8.

"It was 91 years, when I graduated from high school. It was a closing ceremony on my campus," continued the man who was born on January 17, 1973.

However, Ari said the food and beverage wages were still quite good. The reason is, there are times when the band does not get anything from the event organizers.

Ari Lasso said that Dewa 19 received money wages when they appeared in Solo in 1992.

"If Dewa's first gig in Solo was in 92. Dewa was released in October, (first stage) in November in the city of Solo, that's a fee for one person to get Rp225.000," he said.

From then on, Ari admitted that he started getting quite a large fee, until finally he was able to fulfill his life from music. Before leaving Dewa 19 in 2000, Ari said that the payment received for one gig could reach Rp. 1,150,000. To Rp. 2,500,000.

For him, this story is a journey and twists and turns of life that should be grateful for having made it known to this day.

"If there are twists and turns, the name is life, wherever, any work, it is carried out wholeheartedly," concluded Ari Lasso.

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