
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) held a public lecture at Malikussaleh University, Lhokseumawe in order to provide understanding and insight to the academic community for the role of the State Budget as an important contributor to the economy.

Head of Aceh Customs and Excise Office Safuadi said that the APBN is planned and implemented oriented to increasing economic growth and community welfare.

"To make this happen, it is very necessary for the younger generation to take part in providing ideas, innovations, hard work together to oversee the state budget so that it is productive, right on target and right on goal so that Indonesia is advanced in 2045," he said in a press release, Tuesday, May 23.

According to Safuadi, the fiscal component of the state budget that also plays an important role is state assets. he said, the use of assets as a supporter of government duties and functions while serving the community.

It was stated that in the Lhokseumawe area, PT Arun LNG's manageable assets. In this case, the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN) is given the mandate to carry out optimization in order to produce various benefits.

"The use of assets in the Arun area is carried out through comprehensive studies and considerations. This is aimed at ensuring the use of assets can produce benefits for the community and in accordance with applicable governance," he said.

On the same occasion, Director of Development and Empowerment of LMAN Candra Giri Artanto stated that his party always evaluates cooperation in the use of assets.

"We want to achieve the performance of asset management in accordance with the government's goals," he said.

Candra said that the realization of collaboration with stakeholders in the Lhokseumawe area was also implemented through the signing of a memorandum of understanding between LMAN and Malikussaleh University.

"This memorandum of understanding is a form of good faith between the two parties to collaborate in improving the competence and capability of the younger generation, especially in the field of optimizing assets through various training, socialization and other collaborative activities," he said.

"Through this collaboration, it is hoped that there will be increased competence and participation of the younger generation to realize the optimization of state assets that are beneficial to the welfare of the community," concluded Chandra.

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