
YOGYAKARTA - A good audit system is one of the keys to the progress of a company. One of them is in conducting marketing audits. What is marketing audit and its function for companies or businesses?

The marketing audit is used as an objective assessment of a company's financial statements. The audit system must be managed properly and without fraud for the smooth running of the company's operations. However, there are still many who do not know what a marketing audit is.

A marketing audit, according to the financial dictionary, is an evaluation of a company's marketing operations. A marketing audit is conducted to find the possibility of improving the effectiveness of marketing activities.

A marketing audit is an activity to check and analyze marketing activities, targets, and objectives in a company or business. With a marketing audit, you can see whether marketing activities have been running well or not.

If your company's marketing activities are still not running effectively or maximally, then you can find out the shortcomings of the results of the marketing audit. With the results of the audit, you can determine the right strategy to improve marketing activities for the better.

In addition, marketing audits are also useful for refocusing the company's marketing strategies and objectives. Maybe so far the marketing activities that have been carried out have not been running according to the original plan. With a marketing audit, you can recall your initial targets. So you can improve your marketing strategy to achieve that goal.

Here are tips on how to conduct marketing audits that you can apply to companies or businesses.

The first step you have to do is determine your marketing goals. Write down your marketing goals clearly and in detail. You need to formulate short-term and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are targets that you want to achieve in a shorter time, for example three months to one year. While long-term goals are targets that you want to achieve for a long time, for example, a period of more than one year.

The next step before conducting a marketing audit is that you have to determine the persona buyer. Persona buyers are your customer or buyer's target picture. You need to define the persona buyer clearly and in detail so that your marketing strategy will be more targeted.

Each business and product sector has its own persona buyer. Make sure you already have a persona buyer for your product or brand. How to determine a persona buyer can be done by looking at details, such as age, work, hobbies, social status, and so on.

Competitor research also needs to be done if you want to conduct a marketing audit properly. You need to find out information from the 3-5 largest competitors of your product or brand. See what products they offer. You can store this information as a consideration for developing a business.

The next step you need to do is record the details of your company's products or services. Write all the information about prices, types of products or services, to sales data. In addition, also understand all the strengths and weaknesses of your brand. Don't forget to record your marketing assets, such as bounce rates, coal lateral marketing, engagement, and others.

After understanding and collecting data on your company's marketing, then you just have to analyze it. In analyzing, you can find out what the advantages and disadvantages of marketing activities have been running so far.

Demikianlah review mengenai apa itu audit pemasaran dan fungiannya bagi perusahaan. Audit pemasaran perlu dilakukan secara terus untuk mencari kelebihan atau kekurangan dari kegiatan pemasaran. Dari hasil audit, Anda bisa melakukan evaluasi atas kegiatan pemasaran yang sudah dilakukan.

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