Krisdayanti Exclusive Shares Roles For Society And Families

JAKARTA - Human life line is often unpredictable. Like Krisdayanti, who had the opportunity to work from the entertainment stage to the political stage. Armed with a passion for learning, Krisdayanti tries to be of benefit to herself, her family, and the community.

As the people's representative from the PDI-P party, the woman who is often called Mimi KD is happy because she can do many things that are beneficial for the community. Even though the COVID-19 pandemic has limited life's activities, KD tries to keep his spirits up.

"Gratitude is the main thing for now. We can't complain. Because those in the hospital want to be at home. We at home should be happy. Moreover, healthy," said Krisdayanti, during a virtual interview with VOI, Wednesday, July 7.

Krisdayanti (Photo: Personal Document, DI: Raga/VOI)

After becoming the people's representative, Krisdayanti felt lucky. "Because not everyone has the same opportunity. The opportunity is there but there is a factor X how we can choose people's representatives if we don't know. Strategically, PDI-P really put me as a daughter of the Batu area and Malang City as a women's representative," he said.

This is a great achievement for KD as well as the PDIP party. Because previously, there were no female representatives from the cities of Batu and Malang.

"So far, there have only been two incumbents, one in education, one in banking. As long as I have participated in campaigns in more than 600 villages, I have seen that the health that directly touches women tends to go unnoticed. As in Malang, it is about stunting, mother. breastfeeding, and the infant mortality rate is still high. As a woman, I was touched when representing the community to be more aware of women's health," she said.

Maternal and child health is the future of the nation. Therefore, KD felt that he had to actively participate in preventing stunting in Indonesia. "According to this data, the stunting rate is still high. From the BKKBN, as our partner, President Jokowi has assigned President Jokowi to directly handle stunting to reduce the number from 32 percent to 14 percent until 2024. Of course this is our responsibility and work together," he explained.

Krisdayanti (Photo: Personal Document, DI: Raga/VOI)

In addition to maternal and child health, the woman who was born on March 24, 1975 hopes that populist programs such as the labor-intensive and work-training centers that are aimed at the younger generation can also develop young people's abilities in productive activities.

"The existing vocational schools can be an option for teenagers to get the ability to work," he said.

All the opportunities that Krisdayanti got made her feel more 'full' as a human being. Being a benefit to others, his happiness exceeds the results of his career as a singer so far.

"This is what I'm grateful for, because as a singer I can't do those roles. There's no way I can connect bridges, repair damaged roads, prepare labor-intensive programs, prepare cooking utensils, freezers for SMEs. I became a singer. Thank God, my opportunity to become a representative of the people opened my opportunity to be of benefit to the community," he explained.

Although many people scorned KD's ability and professionalism as a representative of the people, he didn't care. This mother of four chooses to focus on doing her job.

"Being a representative of the people, a politician is if done positively for the benefit of the community. The results will be positive. There will definitely be friction, different points of view between A and B. But if the goal is one to advance the nation and state, the slightest movement will certainly be meaningful, " sure.

By joking, KD told how people treated him differently when he came as a singer and representative of the people. "In the past, the public asked for photos as singers. Now when they come they can complain about small things. If we can provide a means to solve the problem, it feels very touched," he explained.

As a representative of the people, Krisdayanti has the task of delivering social assistance and distributing 9 tons of complementary foods for breastfeeding mothers and babies. "Efforts like that are small, but so far there have been none due to the lack of women's representation. Starting from me, God willing, future generations will be more advanced and visionary than our current generation," he hoped.

Preparing the Awareness of Young Mothers Like Aurel Hermansyah
Krisdayanti (Photo: Dudut SP Document for VOI, DI: Raga/VOI)

As the mother of Aurel Hermansyah, who just got married, Krisdayanti has a direct relationship with the roles of parents and representatives of the people. The first 1,000-day campaign to prevent stunting starts with the preparation of pregnant women.

"Now we have to change the pattern of education. It is no longer possible to give examples of themes in a more modern way. When I talk to Aurel, I give an example of myself. Maybe a simpler storytelling style can be more striking," he said.

The theory, according to KD, cannot be conveyed in a text book to prospective brides and mothers-to-be. "They are more interested when they hear people tell stories. This socialization with the BKKBN will be easier if we go down with personal experiences. And thank God I have enough experience to tell. Building a family is not financial and mental readiness. Not how it will be, but what will happen after marriage "explained the sister of Yuni Shara.

Krisdayanti (Photo: Dudut SP Document for VOI, DI: Raga/VOI)

Stunting, according to him, must be overcome together with inter-sectoral intervention. "We have to prepare nutrition security for pregnant women, family upbringing, access to sanitation and clean water. Also education for early childhood. That's why in PAUD I believe it can be the basis for children. Even if it's just playing, of course there will be an educational process, " he said.

KD gave an example of having snack time in PAUD which directly teaches children to choose nutritious foods. "Teachers will, of course, choose green beans compared to savory foods, snacks that are preferred because they are salty but lack nutritional content. That's why the 1,000 days of nutrition in the womb has been prepared since pregnancy," he said.

Krisdayanti's target is no longer just the bride and groom. Adolescents over 18 years old, according to him, should receive proper education about stunting prevention.

"In this society, there are many young 18-year-old mothers. They are already carrying their children and are even pregnant again. This is a responsibility that young mothers cannot bear alone. Husband and wife must be prepared together to foster the confidence of these young mothers. Husband It's not just giving children and taking responsibility. They need to work together to become parents and educate children," he hoped.

Indonesia, has a wealth of natural resources that can support the nutritional needs of mothers and children. Unfortunately, the awareness to use it is still lacking.

"We have many choices of super foods such as taro, sweet potato, moringa leaves. I hope we can talk to the children now. Parents can't force their children to marry young, rush, and be arranged. Marriage too young is too worrying," he explained.

Krisdayanti (Photo: Krisdayanti's Personal Document, DI: Raga/VOI)

Having just finished escorting Aurel Hermansyah into the wedding gate with Atta Halilintar, Krisdayanti now communicates more with her eldest daughter. "Indeed, after the wedding, many said it was the culmination of a person or a young couple's hopes. Even though the key was after that. Many demands would return to the question 'Are you ready?'," he said.

To Aurel, KD hopes to provide skills to be a good bridge between husband and parents. "After getting married, parents can't interfere with them anymore. I just want to give them permission first. If we tell them something, we can't force them. But if we give these skills from a young age, after marriage we can create a small environment where they live. so comfortable and healthy," he explained.

The family is the basis for the progress of the nation, this is Krisdayanti's belief. As a wife, she feels that she should be able to place herself as a friend and partner to her husband. This function was really useful when Krisdayanti had to be separated from Raul Lemos for a long time because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We can get absolute power from a husband who believes in him. As a mother, we must be able to decide small things from home. Not only taking care of children, but the house can be a source of support for life. I really believe in parenting in Japan where mothers become idols for their children. - her children. There is no successful woman without exams. I went through a past that wasn't easy, but I'm just positive about the future. We can't fix the past, but we can pick up the future. Don't just assume that husband and wife can move on. Maintain the quality of communication," he explained.

All women, he believes, can have a career at any age. Krisdayanti has proven it. The change in his role as a singer into a community was carried out smoothly and his enthusiasm for learning was high.