Good News From PT Pos Indonesia, All Cash Social Assistance Distribution Officers Have Been Vaccinated With COVID-19

JAKARTA - The government through the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs has again distributed Cash Social Assistance (BST) for the months of May and June which will be received in July 2021. The value given is IDR 300,000 per Beneficiary Family (KPM) per month.

The recipient will immediately get a 2-month quota of Rp. 600,000. To facilitate the provision of such assistance, PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) was again trusted for the distribution process.

PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) stated its readiness in distribution. A total of 21,000 Pos personnel throughout Indonesia were mobilized to optimize the distribution of BST.

All Pos Indonesia officers who carry out the task of distributing BST throughout Indonesia have also received the COVID-19 vaccine, so they are expected to provide the best service to customers and the public.

President Director of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Faizal R Djoemadi said the BST that was ready to be paid was for 2,635,630 KPM. While the total BST recipients throughout Indonesia are 10 million KPM which are recorded in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS).

Besides BST, the government also plans to accelerate the distribution of other aids. These include the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT).

The acceleration of the distribution of social assistance is needed in the current emergency conditions for the implementation of the Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM). Steps to reduce mobility and activities make it difficult for some parties to earn income.

Corporate Secretary of PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) Tata Sugiarta stated that Pos Indonesia as a BUMN that focuses on public services continues to be committed to providing the best service to customers and the community in the midst of the current pandemic.

Because of that, he said, all employees who are at the forefront of service have received vaccinations to increase their immunity so that they can carry out their service duties safely.

"Pos Indonesia employees as public servants have been given vaccinations so that they are more confident and safe in serving the Indonesian people in accordance with public services in the fields of courier, logistics and financial services. Especially our employees carry out the task of distributing Cash Direct Assistance throughout Indonesia," he said in a statement. written, Monday 19 July.

Tata explained that in accordance with the government's program to control COVID-19, Pos Indonesia accelerated the provision of vaccinations within the company. In April 2021 all Pos Indonesia employees were given vaccinations which were carried out in various cities throughout Indonesia.

Regarding BST, Tata Sugiarta added that the trust given by the government was inseparable from the success of the 2020 BST distribution performance which was 97.14 percent. Meanwhile, the Provincial and Regency Government Social Assistance with distribution performance reached 96 percent.

In 2021, with the motto 'United and Rise', Pos Indonesia is trying to achieve 100% perfect distribution according to the target given by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Meanwhile, Faizal said that there were a number of innovations that were prepared by Pos Indonesia to improve the BST distribution process so that it was more transparent, fast, accountable, and on target as expected by the president and the minister of social affairs.

"With a culture of morality and the spirit of 'unity to rise', we will improve the digitization of business processes, operations and administration of cash assistance in 2021," he concluded.