Good News From Sri Mulyani's Subordinates: The State Assets Increase By IDR 631 Trillion Last Year To IDR 11.098.67 Trillion

JAKARTA - The government through the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reports that state assets have increased by IDR 631.14 trillion in 2020 to IDR 11.098.67 trillion from the previous IDR 10.467.53 trillion in 2019.

Last year's asset book consisted of five types, namely current assets of IDR 665.16 trillion, long-term investments of IDR 3.173.08 trillion, fixed assets of IDR 5.976.01 trillion, other assets of IDR 1.225.10 trillion, and long-term receivables of IDR 59.32 trillion.

Director of State Property DJKN Ministry of Finance, Encep Sudarwan said the form of state assets with the greatest value was land with IDR 4.539.89 trillion.

"This land asset is the most owned by the state with a percentage of approximately 80 percent of fixed assets", he said in a virtual press conference, Friday, July 16.

Encep added that there are three notes on the development of the value of state property (BMN) in the 2020 report.

First, the value of inventories increased by IDR 37.1 trillion or 30 percent to IDR 160.51 trillion from the previous year, which was IDR 123.45 trillion.

"Significant increases occurred in the Ministry of Defense of IDR 65.2 trillion, the Ministry of Public Works and Human Settlements (PUPR) of IDR 47.5 trillion, and the Ministry of Health of IDR 13.8 trillion", he said.

Second, the value of fixed assets increased by IDR 185.6 trillion from 2019, with the largest percentage increase occurring in Construction Under Work (KDP) of IDR 24.5 trillion.

"Then the third is a note on State Property (BMN) in the form of other assets which increased by IDR 112.04 trillion at the PUPR Ministry due to a change from fixed assets", he said.

In general, Encep said that 90 percent of state assets are under the control of 10 strategic ministries.

"So, if these 10 ministries manage their assets, it can be ascertained that Republic of Indonesia's asset is safe", Encep concluded.