Bobby Nasution Will Provide Basic Food Assistance For 20 Thousand Medan Residents Affected By Emergency PPKM

MEDAN - The City Government (Pemko) of Medan, North Sumatra will provide assistance to 20,000 affected residents during the period of the emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM).

"Social assistance, we have agreed that there are 20,000 people in Medan City that we will directly assist," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution at Medan Merdeka Square, quoted by Antara, Thursday, July 15.

The Mayor of Medan said that the assistance to be provided to tens of thousands of residents affected by the emergency PPKM was in the form of food packages.

"We'll just give the basic necessities. Because if we give the cash, it's recorded again, asking for the account again. This is difficult," said Bobby Nasution.

The Medan City Government will work with Perum Bulog to ensure that the distribution route for the emergency PPKM aid remains safe.

However, Bobby Nasution has not explained the distribution mechanism and when the assistance will be distributed to communities affected by the emergency PPKM.

"To avoid the possibility that we don't want, such as corruption, we are directly collaborating with Bulog. So there is no use of distributor A distributor B. We are still conditioning this, we are communicating again. Later there will be rice, we want eggs. We will see this later stock," said Bobby Nasution.

Emergency PPKM was implemented in Medan City from 12 to 20 July 2021 as an effort to suppress the spread of COVID-19 in the area.