Bulan Sofya Dream Bad After Filming Pulung Hangup Film
JAKARTA - Bulan Sofya is one of the players in the latest horror film for the Makara Production production house entitled Pulung Suspension which will start airing starting February 6.
Debuting in a horror film, Bulan Sofya immediately experienced a horror incident. After filming, the Moon had a nightmare that made it difficult to sleep.
"There is a dream. So every time I finish filming, I really can't sleep until the morning. So if we finish it's 2 p.m. or 3 a.m., at 12 p.m.," said Bulan Sofya in the Setiabudi area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 17.
"And the call was at 9 o'clock, so as a result, I only slept for a few hours because every time I came home from the shooting location, I couldn't sleep at the hotel," he continued.
The moon felt that this was happening because it was still overshadowing the scene while filming the film which was lifted from urban legend Gunung Kidul, Central Java.
"I don't know if I imagined the shadow because the shooting location was scary, so I had to be accompanied, everywhere I had to be accompanied, in the toilet, I was accompanied," said Bulan Sofya.
"And also had a dream of a nightmare every time I returned to filming it was often too," he explained.
Apart from Sofya's Month, Pulung Suspension will star Egi Fedly, Annisa Aurelia Kaila, Andrew Barrett, Michael Russell, Adelia Rasya and Indra Pacique.