Causes Why Many Areas Lack Clean Water, Water Crisis Is Predicted To Continue To Increase
YOGYAKARTA - Clean water is a basic need in human life and its environment. Unfortunately, currently there are still many people who lack access to clean water. So why are many areas that lack clean water.
It turns out that the phenomenon of lack of clean water supply does not only occur in Indonesia. The problem of the clean water crisis is also found in various parts of the world. Jumah is also predicted to increase along with population growth and climate change factors.
The issue of the clean water crisis is already included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Therefore, it is very important to know why many areas lack clean water and the factors causing it.
The following are some factors that cause many regions in Indonesia to still lack clean water:
The rapid growth of the population is one of the main causes of the lack of clean water. With the increasing number of people in an area, the demand for clean water has also increased sharply. This places great pressure on the availability of water resources.
Clean water has a vital role in household daily life, such as for drinking, cooking, bathing, and sanitation needs. Not only that, the agricultural and industrial sectors also need large amounts of water. Massive use of water for agricultural irrigation and industrial production has helped increase water consumption.
Climate change plays a role in causing a shortage of clean water in various regions. The impact can be seen from the irregular rainfall pattern, longer drought periods, and changes in river flow. These factors also significantly affect water availability.
Areas that usually have a regular rainy season can experience a longer drought due to climate change. This condition could lead to a decrease in river water discharge and a decrease in groundwater level.
In contrast, climate change also triggers extreme rain patterns that can cause flooding and soil erosion. Floods often result in the loss of fertile soil and pollute clean water sources, thus becoming a major challenge in maintaining clean water supplies.
Human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and environmental pollution contribute significantly to the problem of lack of clean water. Deforestation carried out for agricultural purposes, infrastructure development, and settlements results in damage to the forest ecosystem.
Forests, which serve as natural water absorbers, will lose their ability to maintain water availability. On the other hand, pollution by industrial, household and agricultural waste also threatens the quality of clean water. Polluted soil also interferes with the natural screening process, so groundwater is no longer safe to consume.
Infrastructure constraints in providing access to clean water are one of the main causes of water scarcity. In remote or remote areas, access to clean water sources is often inadequate. Distance and poor transportation infrastructure conditions make it difficult to distribute clean water to these areas.
Meanwhile in urban areas, the existing clean water infrastructure may not be managed properly. Pipe leaks, clogged channels, and old installations can cause water waste while reducing the quality of water distributed to homes.
Those are some of the reasons why many areas lack clean water, both in Indonesia and in other countries in the world. There are various factors that affect the clean water crisis, ranging from population growth, climate change, to infrastructure availability. Also read the requirements for clean water based on three important elements so that it can be consumed.
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