
JAKARTA - The fate of the Democratic Party will soon be determined. Previously, Moeldoko's camp was reported to have completed administrative documents to the desk of the Minister of Law and Human Rights, Yasonna H. Laoly.

Recently, the two camps, both Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) Cs and Moeldoko Cs, began to diligently respond to statements. It seems that the AHY camp has started to heat up with the news of the new management composition of the Democratic Party's DPP, the KLB Sibolangit version.

In fact, related to the latest developments in the Democratic Party, Menkopolhukam and Menkumham accompanied by the Director General of General Legal Administration (AHU) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will hold a virtual Press Conference which will be held this afternoon, Wednesday, March 31, at 12.30 WIB.

Moeldoko Talking about being prepared to be a ketum

A few days ago, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko finally opened his voice regarding his reason for accepting the proposal to become Chairman of the Democratic Party of the Extraordinary Congress version (KLB) in Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, which was held on Friday, March 5. According to him, there is an ideological pull to save the Democratic Party and the nation.

"That all led to my decision to accept the request to lead the Democrats," said Moeldoko as quoted from YouTube Kompas TV, Monday, March 29.

Moeldoko said that before he was willing to accept the offer to become chairman, he first questioned 3 things to the cadres.

"The first question is whether this KLB is in accordance with the AD / ART. The second question is how seriously the democratic cadres ask me to lead this party. Third, are the Democratic cadres willing to work hard with integrity for the sake of red and white above personal and group interests," he explained.

"All questions were answered by the KLB participants with a roar," he continued.

Moeldoko admitted that he was indeed asked to lead the Democratic Party for the sake of the nation.

"I also made a mistake as an ordinary human being, not telling my wife and family about the decisions I made. But I am also used to taking risks like this, especially for the sake of the nation and state," he said.

Furthermore, Moeldoko asked all cadres in all regions to remain united in the big house, namely the Democratic Party. This was conveyed by the spokesman for the Democrat Party for Moeldoko camp, Muhammad Rahmad, Monday, March 30.

He ensured that Moeldoko would not commit arbitrariness as did the leadership of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

"Moeldoko will not throw out the cadres, let alone dismiss them like what AHY did arbitrarily, as if placing himself as the owner of the Democratic Party," he said.

In fact, he said, the Democrats under Moeldoko's leadership will develop a culture of tolerance and live in harmony and reject intolerance and radicalism in Indonesia.

"Let's protect the Democratic Party from the influence of radicalism, arbitrariness and the autocracy of familyism," he said

Rahmad also said that the AHY management had been declared demisionary in accordance with the results of the KLB in Deli Serdang, some time ago.

"The Supreme Council of SBY's leadership has been dissolved by the Extraordinary Democratic Party's Congress. The current DPP stewardship is the Democrat Party led by Moeldoko, "said Rahmad.

As appropriate, according to statutory regulations, he continued, the new Democratic Party DPP management had been registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

Because of that, he advised SBY-AHY not to panic, burn beards, or repeat accusations against Moeldoko.

"Just explain to the wider community, why radical organizations can thrive in Indonesia in the era of SBY's leadership as president as well as chairman and chairman of the upper house of the Democratic Party," he said.

Moeldoko's rebuttal

After that statement, the AHY camp responded. The head of the AHY's Democratic Party Strategic Communications Agency, Herzaky Mahendra Putra, called the Moeldoko camp "political thugs" because they sentenced the general chairman and management of Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

This was conveyed in response to the statement made by the DPP Democrat's spokesman Muhammad Rahmad regarding Moeldoki's order to put the party in order.

Zaky said that his party also filed a lawsuit against the law against the KLB implementers.

"So, those who are clearly disorderly and violating the rules continue to want to discipline us? The public also knows, where is there a story about robbers who want to discipline those who own a house," said Zaky, Tuesday, March 29.

Zaky suggested the Moeldoko gang, it is better to be poor in wealth but have dignity, than to be rich but traitor.

"Once a traitor, once a liar, forever will be labeled a traitor, a liar, by the public, by neighbors, and possibly by his family too," he said.

Responding to this, the Spokesperson for the Democratic Party, Muhammad Rahmad, regretted the attitude of the Head of the AHY Democratic Party Strategic Communications Agency, Herzaky Mahendra Putra, who was impolite in issuing statements. According to him, what Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) 's subordinates said was far from being a Democratic cadre.

"The political ethics of the Democratic Party are clean, smart, polite. That is the identity of a Democratic cadre. If you read the words of the spokesperson for SBY and AHY, I see that the language they use is very far from politeness and intelligence," said Rahmad to VOI, Tuesday, March 30th.

Rahmad then touched on the contents of Herzaky's statement which said that Moeldoko's camp had spread lies. According to him, the liars actually reside in the AHY camp.

"Who is actually lying? Claiming that he is not the founder of the party before President Megawati, the fact is that there is his name in the preamble to the AD ART as the founder of the party," said Rahmad.

"The claim is democratic, sovereignty is in the hands of the members. In fact, all sovereignty and power is in the hands of the Chair of the High Council. The democratic characteristic is that sovereignty is in the hands of the members or meritocracy. The characteristic of tyranny and authoritarianism is that sovereignty is in the hands of private individuals or the Cikeastocracy," continued the former head of the office. The Democrat.

Then about the allegations of robbery and robbery of the party, Rahmad actually questioned who was the figure behind the disappearance of the 99 founders of the Democratic Party in the history of the party. As well as the mastermind of changing the statutes of the party into a family party.

"Who robbed the party? A party founded by 99 people, suddenly their names disappeared from the history of the Democratic party. Only two names appeared and they were said to be the party's founding fathers, one of them was SBY. Then, through AD ART 2020, party power moved to the party. SBY's hand, "said Rahmad.

Rahmad emphasized that the Extraordinary Congress (KLB) was in accordance with the rules. So he said, no one has robbed the party from the hands of AHY's demisionary chairman.

"The extraordinary congress and congress (KLB) are halal goods in a democracy. It is not haram, what is haram is lying and robbing," said Rahmad.

The government does not prohibit Moeldoko from becoming the head of the PD

The Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD admitted that he did not care about Moeldoko's status as part of the government. Because so far, he said, the government through Kemenkumham has not issued any decisions regarding the Democratic polemic.

"Whatever the decision, it will cause polemics. It's okay. It is our job to listen to the polemics every day. If I don't care, the polemic, the polemic," said Mahfud, Tuesday, March 30.

According to him, the Democrat polemic was Moeldoko's business, not related to the government. Mahfud said the government should not prohibit the former TNI commander in political matters.

"Look, Pak Moeldoko's business is twofold. One is a legal matter, if it is a legal matter, the government cannot prohibit him. To participate in an outbreak, whether to participate or not, we cannot prohibit and may not order," he explained. Mahfud.

In addition, he continued, for the political ethics of the Moeldoko-Democrat issue, Jokowi as president also had considerations.

"In terms of politics, that's his business. For example, it concerns political ethics, then politically, the president can consider himself. This is what Mr. Moeldoko is in. I think that outside of legal matters. Regarding political ethics, there can be various kinds of things. -sorts. It depends on who is talking, "Mahfud added.

Meanwhile, regarding party conflicts, Mahfud said that currently the government has taken a stand and has intervened in relation to the Democratic polemic. According to him, the government's attitude was different during the KLB Sibolangit event which was opposed by the Democrat camp led by Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY).

"Because the government did not take that attitude when there was an illegal KLB which was considered illegal Pak AHY. Well, we are saying that we are not participating like that. Whoever is involved, whether Moeldoko, Moelyono, or what is it, is not the government's business," he said. Mahfud.

He explained that the purpose of intervention in this matter is from the point of view of state administration. According to him, government intervention exists because the Democratic KLB Sibolangit management has registered its management with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

"Because the organizers of the KLB have submitted reports on changes in management and so on. The government has entered into intervention, intervention in the sense of carrying out its duties, namely having examined the document," said Mahfud.

However, he conveyed that Kemenkumham asked Moeldoko Cs to complete the required documents. He said that according to the rules, a week for the completion of the files. According to him, referring to the time to hand over the Moeldoko camp, the final deadline is until Tuesday at 00.00.

"This means that starting Wednesday, the government has stated its stance. So, if the next Wednesday, Thursday or Friday the government's position is clear. The government has participated in efforts to resolve the conflict from the point of view of state administration," Mahfud explained.