
YOGYAKARTA - In terms of marketing, in fact we often hear the name B2B or B2C, but did you hear business to people or B2P marketing?

It can be said that the B2P marketing strategy is a new marketing strategy created because there is a comparison of the characteristics of each customer in marketing.

So as a marketer, in fact, you don't want to forget more complete data about what B2P Marketing is and how is the method of practicing B2P Marketing? For that, you must not forget the full description of B2P Marketing below!

In our marketing strategy, we will usually use Business to business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C). B2B is a sales process that is tried between one industry and another business industry. On the other hand, B2C is a direct sales process from industry or business to consumers as end users.

Although it has often been used in marketing strategies, both still have shortcomings and smaller customer limits. So that businesses that practice B2B marketing cannot have a reach for end users or end users. On the other hand, businesses that practice B2C marketing cannot easily reach business actors. So that emerges so that a business marketing strategy to people marketing or B2P marketing emerges.

So B2P marketing is a business that is run by industry to end users' customers or to other business industries. So this marketing business strategy does not only focus on one group of consumers, more than that B2P marketing pays more attention to people.

Because B2P marketing realizes that every person who uses a business has different interests and needs. The advantage of this business strategy is its personalization. Because each business customer will get a service that is tailored to its characteristics. So to increase customer loyalty.

Excess Using B2P Marketing

Although still new, there is some excess B2P marketing that you can consider for use.

This is an advantage of using B2P marketing:

So after knowing the b2p marketing strategy, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!