Earthquake M 7.7 Ends In A Tsunami Hits New Caledonia, BMKG Ensures Its Impact Does Not Reach Indonesia

JAKARTA - An earthquake with a magnitude (M) 7.7 rocked the Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia triggered a small tsunami. BMKG Ensures the impact does not reach Indonesian territory.

"It has no impact on Indonesian territory," said Head of the BMKG Earthquake and Tsunami Center, Daryono in Jakarta, Friday, May 19, confiscated by Antara.

He revealed that the earthquake that occurred on Friday, May 19, 2023 at 09.57 WIB had an epicenter of the earthquake located at coordinates 23.19 south latitude 170.70 east longitude, precisely at sea with a depth of 37 km.

"By taking into account the location of the epicenter and the depth of the hypocenter, the earthquake that occurred was a shallow type of earthquake due to activity in the outer rise zone (source of the earthquake outside the Australian plate subduction zone) to the southeast of New Caledonia," he explained.

He added that the results of the analysis of the source mechanism show that this earthquake has a downward movement mechanism which is a characteristic of the mechanism of earthquake sources in the outer rise zone due to tectonic drag (extensional).

"Based on the estimation of the shock map (shakemap), the earthquake in the Loyalty Islands region caused shocks on Mare Island, an island near the epicenter of the earthquake whose shocks reached the MMI III-IV intensity scale ( Felt by many people)," he said.

He added that this earthquake reportedly triggered a small tsunami in the Tide gauge on Mare Island which was recorded as high as 15 cm at 10.33 WIB, only 14 cm high at 10.54 WIB.

"However, the results of the analysis of tsunami modeling by the BMKG show that this small tsunami will not have an impact on Indonesian territory so that people do not need to worry about the tsunami threat from the earthquake in the Loyalty Islands," said Daryono.

He said the monitoring results until 11.55 WIB showed that this earthquake was followed by six significant aftershocks with a magnitude of M 4.9 to M 6.3.