
Surakarta City Police revealed a criminal case of abuse of a wife cutting her husband's genitals at an inn in the Jebres Solo area, Central Java, by arresting the perpetrator, with the initials YC (33), a resident of Lumajang, East Java.

The suspect YC, who had the heart to cut the genitals of the victim whose husband's status had the initials IPN (19), a resident of Jembrana Bali, is currently being investigated for legal proceedings at the Surakarta Police Headquarters.

Surakarta Police Chief Kombes Iwan Saktiadi explained that the incident of a woman whose status was a wife who cut her husband's genitals, occurred at an inn in the Jebres Solo area, on Tuesday (16/5), at around 04.30 WIB.

The background, said the Police Chief, the suspect YC, a resident of Lumajang, East Java, is married to the victim IPN (19), a resident of Jembrana Bali with customs in Bali, in March 2023.

IPN victims in Bali follow their adopted parents. He then looked for his biological parents in Sukoharjo. He returned to his parents' house in Sukoharjo, in April.

The suspect YC then in May followed her husband to his father-in-law's house in Sukoharjo. However, the victim IPN was considered to be changing, including the victim's parents or family, so the victim asked YC to return to Denpasar Bali, arguing that the victim's parents did not approve.

YC, who felt hurt because he was not received by the victim's family properly, was then escorted by IPN to the bus terminal to return to Bali. This perpetrator, on the way, bought a charter knife which would later be used for the crime of assaulting the victim.

However, the perpetrator did not return to Bali and was on his way to contact the victim IPN to ask not to separate. The husband and wife had a conversation and it was agreed on the day of the incident that the suspect asked to meet at an inn in Solo.

The victim then at around 00.00 WIB, followed up at the hotel. The couple, after meeting them, slept at the inn. When the victim was fast asleep, the perpetrator then committed a crime by cutting off the victim's genitals until he broke up. The victim woke up in pain screaming covered in blood and then the hotel was assisted by an ambulance to be taken to Dr Moewardi Hospital Solo for help.

The hotel then also reported the incident to the Surakarta Police and then secured the YC perpetrator while waiting for the victim at the hospital to be taken to the Surakarta Police Headquarters for further investigation.

For the suspect's actions in a criminal case of persecution resulted in serious injuries, he will be charged with Article 351 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of 5 years.