East Lombok Resort Police Investigator, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) has named a leader of the Islamic boarding school (ponpes) with the initials LM (40) as a suspect in the alleged abuse case against female students.
"Yes, we have named LM as a suspect by implementing criminal charges regulated in the Child Protection Law and the TPKS Law (Child Protection Crime Act)," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Lombok Police AKP Hilmi Manossoh Prayugo, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, May 11.
In addition, investigators have detained LM in the detention room of the East Lombok Police.
"We have detained the person concerned at the East Lombok Police," he said.
Hilmi explained that the police were handling this case starting with reports from two female students. In the report, the abuse has occurred since the last year.
The suspect's mode of harassment was by convincing the victim to go to heaven and saying that the act was carried out with the blessing of the prophet.
Regarding the handling of this case, Hilmi emphasized that the NTB Police through the youth, child and female sub-directorate team (renakta sub-directorate) continue to provide assistance.
Meanwhile, the Head of the NTB Police Criminal Investigation Sub-Directorate, AKBP Ni Made Pujawati, said that the East Lombok Police investigators had handled the case according to legal procedures.
"The handling by the Resort Police is on track, so we're just escorting it," said Pujawati.