Spreading Hate And Slander, Muhammadiyah Youth Officially Reports BRIN Researchers To Bareskrim
JAKARTA - The Central Executive (PP) of Muhammadiyah Youth officially reported researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, related to alleged criminal acts of slander, defamation, and hate speech.
The police report is registered with the number LP/B/IV/2023/SPKT/Bareskrim Polri, dated April 25, 2023, with the reporter Nasrullah as the Head of the Law and Human Rights Division of Muhammadiyah Youth.
Nasrullah, accompanied by his legal advisor Sedek Bahta, said that his party was taking legal steps so that similar incidents that could trigger divisions between Muslims would not be repeated in the future.
"The reported AP Hasanuddin, for the development of the investigation, we have submitted it to investigators. In essence, in the past few days it has gone viral and is quite painful for Muhammadiyah residents; so we can't help but take legal steps," said Nasrullah as quoted by ANTRA, Tuesday, April 25.
According to Nasrullah, AP Hasanuddin's comments on Thomas Djamaluddin's social media account, who is also a BRIN researcher, are not very good because both are state civil servants (ASN).
Moreover, the upload of Thomas Djamaluddin regarding the difference in the determination of Eid al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah, which triggered various comments from users of social media accounts including AP Hasanuddin, allegedly containing hate speech.
"We also don't know what the problem is, the Eid al-Fitr holiday suddenly has a comment like that. We don't want things to happen again, such as cornering, slandering, let alone being carried out by someone like that, especially the ASN concerned," said Nasrullah.
Meanwhile, Sedek Bahta said the report was carried out as a form of matureness in democracy and the state.
He ensured that the legal step had received the blessing of the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir, who had appealed to Muhammadiyah residents not to be provoked by this comment.
"That this report will not be scolded, because this report shows that we are mature, mature in state and democracy. Pak Haedar provides a kind of advice or recommendation, that we should not go outside of legal action like taking justices themselves," explained Sedek.
Apart from Bareskrim Polri, a number of Muhammadiyah residents report simultaneously in their respective jurisdictions. Tuesday afternoon, the Muhammadiyah Student Association (IMM) also reported the same thing to the Polda Metro Jaya.
Based on information from the PP Muhammadiyah Legal Aid Institute (LBH), reports against BRIN researchers were also submitted by Muhammadiyah residents in the areas of Jombang, West Kalimantan, West Sumatra, and Yogyakarta.
LBH PP Muhammadiyah also sent public complaints to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police with reported Thomas Djamaluddin and AP Hananuddin.
Thomas Djamaluddin's upload regarding the difference in the determination of Eid between the government and Muhammadiyah sparked various comments, one of which was AP Hasanuddin's comments that offended Muhammadiyah residents.
Initially, Thomas commented that Muhamamdiyah was no longer obedient to the Government's decision because setting Eid al-Fitr 1444 H was different from the Government's determination.
Thomas' comment was replied by the AP Hasanuddin account with a cynical and threatening tone. Several comments uploaded by AP Hasanuddin regarding the differences were also busy on social media.
"I don't hesitate to silence you Muhammadiyah who are still egocentric. Mr. Thomas, Mr. Ma'rufin, et al, how come it still doesn't work," wrote Hasanuddin's AP account.
Then, AP Hasanuddin also wrote a reply comment on the upload of Ahmad Fuazan S's account.
"Please report my comments with threats of murder!!! I'm ready to go to prison. I'm tired of your commotion!!!" wrote AP Hasanuddin in all big letters.